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Supercharging Your Thinking?
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If you're looking to take your life to the next level, then many of our online self-development courses can help you. There's no better way to master an area of your life than by investing in yourself and learning from others the best strategies to help you achieve success.
However, almost all teach you 'what you should do', 'what you should think'. Our uniqueness comes in teaching you 'how to think', not 'what to think'. This ensures our courses effectiveness at getting you, your desired results as quickly as possible.
All of our self-development courses below are based on our 'how to think' system, and all our courses are backed by an iron-clad, 60-day money back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction and results.
Andy Shaw creator of A Bug Free Mind
"Each of us counts as a thousand. If you are here then you have already chosen to have a front row seat at the great awakening where we evolve our consciousness as a species. We sculpt ourselves with consciousness for the betterment of ourselves, our family, our friends, and our species. All courses we create are designed to make it easy for you to evolve your level of consciousness and discover how much further you can push your thinking ability. ...And also to ensure you enjoy the rich rewards your supercharged thinking ability will present you with."
Check out our full catalog of online courses and training programs that we offer below.
You are currently living life at a lower level than you can easily live to. Footsteps Through Your Mind will show you simple and easy techniques which you will experience the effects of almost instantly. Footsteps Through Your Mind gives you a simple, step-by-step training plan, which you will see real world, life-enhancing results from. The course has 63 new ways to enhance your life and is an introduction to the full A Bug Free Mind Process for supercharging your thinking.
What's difficult in life is not the challenges we face on the outside, but the obstacles we already have inside our minds. Nothing can stunt or stop progress as much as your own mind. We are trained to believe that is external obstacles and other people who are bothering us, and holding us back. But the truth is it is our own minds. When we free our minds of all of the baggage we've collected and had forced onto us, then we free our minds to do all they are truly capable of doing.
Getting the extremely improbable to happen is simply a matter of laser focusing in, and time travel! ...What could be simpler? In this course Andy Shaw teaches live at a recorded seminar how to do both. ...And how to make Life Designing go from what you'd like and love to have in your life, to something which you know and more importantly feel is going to happen. He even goes past the improbable stage and teaches how to manifest the impossible, because if you can create the impossible, then the possible (no matter how improbable) becomes easy.
We have an abundance of knowledge but we have forgotten how to apply it automatically into our lives. It's not what we know that counts, it's what we apply. Success Made Simple is a slow delivery video program specifically designed to turn knowledge and wisdom into applied wisdom. Success Made Simple takes what is taught in A Bug Free Mind, deep dives on the points raised and delivers the wisdom to you in bite-sized-videos over a two year period. Thus ensuring the wisdom is applied and your life and success enters a period of continuous growth.
Right now your potential success and happiness is limited to the average of the people you associate with most. Consider who you are associating with... just how successful and happy they really are? Is it time to raise the success level of your peer group? If so, then A Bug Free World could be exactly what you are looking for to help raise and sustain your level of consciousness and mental strength.
We run a limited number of live events. This is because they are run to suit the creator of A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw. Attendees are almost always blown away by what they gain at these events, however, live events are not a major part of our company and these are run on a mutual benefit basis because Andy lives to the truth of the best form of education being to teach. Which means as he helps the event attendees, he also gets a deeper understanding into the subject, and evolves as a teacher too.
This is a 3 day mastermind event focusing on Taking Back Control of your life and ensuring ongoing success. Day 1 Andy teaches the Life Design course and helps people develop their designs - this is the same course he went around the world teaching. Day 2 Andy teaches the 5 problems people have with real change and how to beat it in practical ways. Day 3 is a Mastermind day. Now Andy has gotten to know you, he goes around the room and helps people to find the simplest way possible to shift their life and their results to a higher level, easier level. All sorts of solutions come here, from business guidance, to mindset issues, to health, to relationships. You'll spend 3 days and 3 evenings with Andy. These are not regular events though and Andy only runs them when he feels like running one.
You meet one to one with creator of A Bug Free Mind Andy Shaw. Andy is the person the mentors go to when they get stuck. He is know as a simplifier because he can usually find the simple solution to massive problems. Or find the obvious but hidden answers to the biggest questions. Or just confirm the bad news. If you are looking for clarity then this 4 - 5 hour meeting with Andy for lunch may be exactly what you are looking for. However, he only does a few of these a year and announces them occasionally, so there is a waiting list. Plus this is not suitable to everyone, so after paying a refundable deposit we call you to check this is right for you and right for him. Then you go onto a waiting list. When a time is available we contact you to see if it suits you too.
10½ Days To A New Reality. This exclusive 19- person-max intensive retreat. Success Made Certain is the ultimate luxury spa retreat for your mind. This is the ultimate event for Bug Free Mind students studying the way. Most personal development live events destroy rather than create a persons ability to create success .... This is a complete 10½-day event designed to guide you step-by-step through a complete journey through your mind, leading you to a life of abundance and fulfilment on every possible level. From the material, to the professional, to the spiritual... and everything in between. You will discover hidden in your mind the real secrets of power, wealth, and control. Our promise is, you will advance your thinking by at least 10 years in less than 11 days!
The Structured Thinking techniques which were created in A Bug Free Mind can be used to solve and grow from, any life situation. The courses below are where we have taken A Bug Free Mind training and focused the techniques to suit a specific situation.
Manifestation Unleashed focuses in on the key skills needed to become a master of your ability to manifest, or to put it another way to become a master of your ability to create the future reality you'd love with just your mind. You'll learn the exact thoughts needed to be cultivated so that you can switch on your ability to manifest on purpose... And what is also needed to stop manifesting by accident (something which everyone is doing, but does not know it).
Revamp your marriage, save your marriage, or get your spouse back? Whatever stage you are at, your relationship is not what it once was. Revamp Your Marriage is going to give you the specific changes you can easily choose to make in yourself that will turn you back into the person your partner fell in love with. It will give you techniques to go past that too and make you into an even more attractive catch. Which means you will regain the relationship you desire to have and improve it too.
The worst thing possible has happened, you're getting a divorce. How you handle this will define the next few years of your life, and they will define the remainder. Designing Your Divorce will make the very best out of a very bad situation. Not only that, but it will give you the tools to easily handle whatever your erratic ex and their lawyer throws at you. If you want to save yourself money, and if you want to make sure you only ever get divorced once, then this course will be of priceless value for your future and your present.
Get Higher Grades is a way of shortcutting the improvement in your exam results. Traditional education focuses on cramming and planning your limited study time which also causes stress and anxiety. Over study and those stresses mean that not only was your time wasted, but can lead to actually worse results too. What this course will do is reduce the stress and anxiousness about your exam and study. ...And it will almost certainly result in an increase in one or two grades too. This is for you if you want to achieve higher grades, with less stress and less work.
Living with a lack of confidence is no way to live. Thinking you have to dig deep and struggle on to break through this lack of confidence is simply going about life the hard way. The Secrets To Total Self Confidence will teach you the simple life-changing techniques which result in you not just being confident, but you having an abundance of confidence. From this point on, if a lack of confidence shows up again in life, then you will have all the tools you need to overcome it with ease.
Depression is fast going from abnormal to normal, and it's picking up pace. However, you weren't depressed as a child, depression is something learned. Which means, even though it seems to be difficult to put your finger on, it is something which can be cured, utterly cured! A lot of people are under the impression that it's a form of mental dis-ease that just happens to them. This is way off base. Depression is simply a matter of chaotic, uncontrollable thoughts. But the secret is, they are controllable without pills, and so can be cured utterly.