QUESTION: What if you really
had found the answer to the
questions you've been
"Why can't I succeed?" "Why
do I keep getting nowhere
despite all I learn?"
What if you really had found
the answer... Could you even
bring yourself to dare to
believe it?
ATTENTION: 45 Year Old Englishman
Develops New Life Transforming System...
"Have you ever wondered why some
people can succeed easily, yet
the vast majority of people fail to
really get anywhere at all in life?"
me as I
was one
of those
easy I
add, but
it sure
like it
was from
So why
could I
and a
of other
and why
was it
Well a
ago I
why it
was, and
what was
to be
so that
All they had to do
was do things in a
certain way...
Let me ask you this:
Are you sick and tired of
watching other people
succeed and not you?
Have the
courses and all the books
you've read made you feel
Do you feel that there has
to be a way that YOU CAN
become successful, and have
the life you're after?
Are you
finally ready to be truly
taught for the first time
the missing success secrets
by someone who understands
why you haven't yet become
If you answered
yes, then I know this page is the
page you've been waiting for all
your life. Finally, you'll see a
light at the end of the tunnel and
you'll truly see the 'magical'
missing pieces of the success puzzle
fall into place.
Let me be straight to the point
with you.
If you're looking for a
few quick tips to teach you
something and make you feel
good... Then this isn't for
you. I am only interested in
helping you if you are ready
to have your life
transformed... If that's not
you, then I have a tip for
you, just read any other
personal development book
and you'll learn something
and feel good... But your
If you've had enough of not
getting the life you want and would
like to cut through all the bull****
and are truly ready to start taking
your life seriously so that it's a
life you are thrilled to be living,
then I know we've met at the right
time in your life.
I'm about to introduce you to
the system you've always wished for,
and the one that you KNEW was out
Read From Someone
"Since my
journey began over
30 years ago, and
more strenuously in
the last three
years, I have done
all the right
things, read all the
right books, been to
all the forward
thinking seminars,
and have had some
However, there was
always that one
little piece missing
that I couldn't put
my finger on that
meant 'massive'
I have been
putting your
techniques for
controlling my own
mind into practice
for a grand total of
5 days. In
that five days, 3
opportunities showed
up literally on my
doorstep, I made two
sales that netted me
£1,000, have had
four new students,
and a business deal
I have been
faithfully working
on for the last 7 or
8 months came good
yesterday. Now
The techniques in
your two books are
THE KEY that I've
been looking for for
more than 20 years.
Aldus Camus said..
'an intelligent mind
is one that watches
itself" - I always
knew that, being an
intellectual sort,
but I didn't
understand HOW to
watch it effectively
and make it work FOR
me. Now I do!
I'm so so impressed
(and grateful) with
the results, I have
begun to incorporate
my learning into my
coaching practice
and with my GCSE and
A level Biology,
Chemistry and
Physics students. In
fact, I'm
recommending your
books to everyone.
And of course I tell
anyone who'll listen
that 'Andy Shaw is a
Thank you Andy,
you've given me back
the power of my own
mind. Kat x
Here's what A
Bug Free Mind reader
Susan Tribull form
USA recently said to
me in her own
testimonial about
the other readers
testimonials helped
her on this page:-
remember the
from people
others to
try the
because they
all spoke
about and
behaved as
if they had
in their
thinking and
There was no
hype, just
and what I
perceived as
Please watch
these testimonials
for yourself and see
these people are
just like you, they
can do it even
though many have
never succeeded
And so can you!
you interested in not just
changing temporarily, but
changing and not going back
to your old ways?
Then click play and hear
Battenberg from Germany
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you like to get rid of all
your fears? To just simply
stop worrying? And to
finally find happiness?
Then click play and hear
Karin Klemenz from England
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you find the whole
self-help/success mindset a
sort of wishy-washy subject that
really can't help you?
Then click play and hear
Tris Curtis
from Australia
to say about
The Bug Free
Mind Process
In 2002 I set myself
the goal of being a
millionaire in 2 years,
I achieved it in just 6
months, and went on to
become a
multi-millionaire just
two weeks later...
Success Showed up
fast and so did the
cars... Believe it or
not I picked the colour
purple for my first
Lamborghini so that I
wouldn't get noticed too
much... I gave up after
that, and just collected
cars because I liked
With the boys
toys sorted... It was time
to move onto holiday
Our 6 bed home in the New
Forrest, A Villa in Cyprus
and a home near Disney
car each for Mum & Dad, and
a much bigger home too :-)
But then after 40
years of marriage they split
Which meant I got to
buy another house for
And of course my
wife got something
special in her Christmas
stocking too!
a company
from $0 to
being worth
million in
under 3
I became
the UK's
Best Selling
Author on
I wrote this
450 page
book which
to be the
'bible' in
under 20
thousands to
make well
(that's just
the feedback
the actual
been MUCH
online too,
in my first
year online
I turned
over just
shy of
But we
got it right
a few years
one offer
where we
sold out taking over
in just 67
The last
time I did a
seminar the
seats were
over $10,000
and sold out
in under 7
Long ago
I gave up
health in
search of
wealth and
got really
fat... Then
one day I
realised I
could have
wealth and
so lost over
140 lbs in
under 7
I also have a
wonderful relationship
with my children... Who
think somewhat
differently to most...
And lastly, but most
importantly... I am
married to the person I
decided one day to spend
the rest of my life
with... So I sat down
and manifested the
perfect partner into my
life well over 20 years
Why am I telling you all about
this? Not to brag (I do not need
to), but to remind you that
Success means different things to
all of us.
But that the system for
achieving success in ANY area is
exactly the same thing...
... And that it is a system that
is NATURAL to all of us.
The difference between people
who succeed in life and those who
struggle to get anywhere is quite
simple... Successful people still
have access to their NATURAL SUCCESS
MINDSET. Those who struggle have
lost touch with theirs, so to try
and create success without it... IS
I ran a survey to all
people who buy and take
action with the Bug Free
One question I
ask my clients is:-
"If you could
speak to someone
who was looking
at the order
page for the Bug
Free system...
Is there
anything you
would want to
say to help
convince them...
that this system
will transform
or maybe just
change their
lives, so that
they should just
take the chance
and buy, so that
they can
discover what
you now know to
be true?"
Here are
just a few of the
responses I continually
"Know this! You
will not regret
immersing yourself
and especially your ego
into Andy's system. It's
a win-win."
"Since starting the
system I have managed to
eliminate stress,
and lots of the
negative things we all
do without thought.
I feel more content,
much happier
and appreciative of what
I have and no
more worries about what
I don't have.
This will obviously help
with my health and
continuing on
this wonderful journey
will help my wealth as
well. It is a
journey that everyone
should take."
"I have read the first
book three times, yet
found that listening to
the audio seemed to
consolidate the
"My blood pressure was
222/140 and stress was
killing me. After
debugging my mind I am
starting to see great
improvement. You should
do a medical version."
"Yes! Thank you
your books are all that
you say they are.
I am really enjoying
listening to them again
and applying the ideas
in my life."
"I am not sure where to
start Andy, I
have read Think and Grow
Rich, about 50 times,
The Secret, Abraham
Hicks, and
your books
have made me think more
deeply than any other.
There is loads of
feedback I look forward
to giving, but I feel
that my priority right
now is to finish
creating my designs and
absorb the books more. I
have a list and would
like to promote your
book to them."
"Andy This
program has helped me
beyond belief!"
"...So why would a
former UK real estate
entrepreneur suddenly have
'the answers' to personal
development and manifesting
one's dreams?
How is it that someone with
your prior background
suddenly got all this wisdom
about how to clear one's
mind, etc. After all you
have no background in
psychology, spiritual
I was asked those questions
from a non-buyer too so I thought
you may like me to answer...
It's true, I have no background in
psychology, I had never been
interested in spiritual wisdom... I
did not see the benefit of the study
of them... What I was and have been
fascinated about for as long as I
could remember was...
When I wrote my first book it was
all about personal development and
how to apply it to Real Estate
Investment, so these books weren't
sudden, this has been my chosen
subject to write on in books for years over 6
years now... And I've also read
hundreds of books on the subject
As for Manifesting, well I've always
been good at that as you can see
from above...
I think the reason why I just took
so easily to the psychology and
spiritual wisdom part was that I
only took what worked. I've always
been able to dissect whatever I
learnt extremely fast so that I
could take and use what benefitted
my life most.
But the core question is ...why do I have the answers?
...And the answer is very simple...
Because I was fascinated about why
the success teachers were getting
such bad results... Personally I
consider less than 1% of their
students succeeding more like a
total failure and not something to
be proud of, and this made me VERY
I HAD to find out
'why I could do
It was like a burning need for
the answer and it took me years to
find the answer... and that's why my
system does something other systems
simply cannot do... I created a 'whole
new way of thinking.'
Because I
realised that people were not taught
how to think, they were programmed,
but not taught how to evaluate their
I spent years looking for the answer
and it even took me having to lose
my first fortune to discover it!
But now because I did that I found
the answer ... and you won't need to go down
that nasty little road!
Losing it all showed me the
world from the eyes of an
unsuccessful person ...and got to
see EXACTLY WHY people just can't
and won't EVER succeed!
When I saw why what the success
teachers were teaching wasn't
working, I knew right then exactly
how to teach success so that ANYONE
could once again become the
naturally successful person they
The reason why I can teach it is
I've seen the world through the eyes
of an unsuccessful person, but when
I was there I woke up and watched
me looking at the world.... I saw
how people think, and why they think
that way...
But let me ask you a question...
I doubt it, given the lack of
current proof...
Well let me tell you, you are,
everyone is, otherwise you would
never have learnt to walk...
Learning to walk was the hardest
thing you will EVER do...
Yet you
did is simply and
without fear
of failure...
All I've got to show you
is a pathway back to the naturally
successful infant you once were...
And that's just a simple system to
follow which is easy... I don't like
hard, I like easy! Which is why I
created the world's first antivirus
for the human mind.
And you can use part one of this
system to get back to thinking
right way, and then part two to
accelerate your natural success
Now does that sound good?
And the best bit
is I can help you as we need to
'Saltorise' your thinking, which
means we need to re-program your
mind and give you a simple, easy and
automatically effective way of
But don't get worried as this isn't
EXTERNAL mind control, i.e. someone
else does it... This is YOU having
And the best bit of all is...
don't need to believe me that this
will work! Sure you need to trust me
a bit so that you actually buy...
But you don't need to put any effort
In fact I
encourage you to just do it and see
what happens, as all this positive
thinking is rubbish as you'll soon
discover... I don't think positive,
I just don't think negative... Net
result is positive without any
Told you all my stuff is simple and
easy to understand...
Have you ever had this problem...
You've read a really good book and
you've learnt things, felt good but
your life remained the same?
The problem isn't the material, the
problem of course is you are not in
a position to change,
which believe
it or not isn't your fault.
Now let me make a VERY BOLD AND
Teacher's information
works for people who
are either
successful or still
have their natural
success mindset. Their work doesn't
CAN'T work for
those who don't!
If you've ever wondered why you
cannot move forward and succeed, it
is because you were attempting to
learn success from a position of
anti-success... And so you will
sabotage your progress...
Now this is
When you know what's wrong you can
fix it... You CAN'T FIX what you
don't know is broken!
Of course nothing will
work if you don't apply it... But as
one of the many testimonials I
receive said... "I think Andy's
greatest ability is to instil a
sense of urgency on paper." So
I make that part easy for you...
However, the scary truth is
You WILL remain stuck in life if you
don't apply this system...
And if you doubt that then go and
waste 5 years attempting to prove me
wrong! You see I've really looked
into this and have found the answers
why success only happens for the
And you don't have to wait anymore!
There's a reason why you've got to
this page, and it is That you asked
for the answer and you've found
Believe it or not that the fact you
are here is actually the naturally
successful you seeking out this
You desperately want to be
successful... BUT you're not yet!
may feel like you're an idiot who
can't succeed. Maybe everyone has
told you that. Or maybe they tell
you you're an idiot for even 'trying to succeed.' Or maybe
they even nearly have you convinced
that you can't become successful....
But you're going to try anyway...
You asked your subconscious mind for
the answer, and your very clever
mind brought you here... THAT'S HOW
You are just
doing it by accident! The fact that
you are here means you're capable of
success! (And no it's not bul**it...
if it is then I wouldn't give a 12
month guarantee and get less than
0.5% of refunds!!!)
I USE that exact same thought
technique you used here whenever I
need to go straight to core material
on ANY SUBJECT... This means I
simply ignore the dross... It's well
meaning dross, but it's still
dross... I want the cutting edge
material when I am studying
something, I don't want the
mediocre! Which is why you asked
your mind for the answer, and it
brought you here!
Now here's the really good news...
Your mind delivered for you BIG
TIME... As it knows your doubts and
fears, and so answered you with a
solution which solves the problem
you currently have...
I designed this system to work for
you even if you don't yet!
If you are pi**ed off with not
being successful... Then GOOD as
that's why you're here... If you are
fed up trying and failing then GOOD
as that's why you're here!
When I briefly visited the world of
the unsuccessful I HATED IT... What
you guys go through on a daily basis
really is the pits... That's why
when I sat back and thought about
what I wanted to do with my life,
the answer was simple, help the
majority who were getting NO HELP...
But were just being told, and I
quote... "Well my system
is complete, if you can't succeed
then it must be you!"BULS**T!
You're system's CR*P and only works
for already successful people!!!
this means is... if you have tried and
failed to stick at things before and
you feel that's why you failed, it
isn't... Well
this system is different. It's
designed to work with you from the
position you are in now! The other
courses and books all failed for
you, because for them to succeed you
already had to be working right in
your head... And the truth is less
than 1 in 10,000 people are!!!
So I knew I had to create a system
that worked for ALL 10,000, and not
leave 9,999 not getting the result
they're after... I figured that if I
could design a system that did that
then I'd really help you... And that
fulfils my own desires!
So I designed my system to work for
you even if you think you may not be
up to it right now...
Which is why I'd now like to share
with you my system which will
transform your life even if you
doubt you are capable of success...
"I have
my fear
able to
save my
from a
In 2008 I bought
your £20 “Money For
Nothing And Your Property
For Free” book and
because I took
action with what I
learned from it
I made about
£50,000 in a few
months :-)
I then joined your
Membership site in
January 2010 and
once again put my
new skills to use.
So far I
have overcome my
fear of heights,
spiders and theme
park rides, I’ve
been able to save my
marriage from a
potential divorce
and been able to get
through an
unforeseen financial
nightmare and the
collapse of my
business with hardly
a moments worry or
sleepless night.
– Cheers Andy!
Had I not
read the “Bug Free
Mind” stuff and
actually applied it
to clear my mind of
the bugs that I
didn’t even know
were there, I could
have lost my wife
and my home.
But now I’m
beginning to seeing
my “new designs”
coming to reality
with harmony
at home,
peace of
a fresh new
and different way of
looking at life
and our new business
ventures getting off
the ground and there
are more to come :-)
Thanks to your “Bug
Free Mind” stuff
Andy our future’s
now looking great!
Geoff Beattie
you been into self-help for
years, read some amazing
books, but have never had
any luck with it? Then click play and
hear what
Morris from England
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
life gotten too hard? Would
you like to have fun & enjoy
the process of making your
life much easier?
Then click play and hear
Susan Sheldon from
has to say about
Bug Free Mind Process
you looking for a
step-by-step system for
succeeding in life that just
works and makes it happen? Then click play and
hear what Brett Bibb from
England has to say about
The Bug Free Mind Process
This is a pretty bold statement
to make - but it's 100% true.
If you're like me, I'm sure you've
purchased a course or two in your life
only to find out that there was still
'something' missing. It made you feel
good, and you learnt some really good
stuff... But that it didn't deliver the
life change that it promised.
What is even more sad, is the fact that
the course focused on only one
aspect. What I'm referring to
is that Self Help is a
Multi-Prong Complex Situation.
It does not work from only one angle.
You must attack it from many directions
to create the success you want.
There are many basic
Existing problems
Fears of failure
Time constraints
Other people
Stress &
Overwhelm problems
Just to name a few. My point is you MUST
recognise all of these aspects and deal
with them all in a systematic way which
Saltorises your thinking. If you deal
with just one or two of the mind
ailments then when you finish mastering
one, another will take over... Then when
your back's turned the ones you fixed
will be broken again.
If you do not go for a total removal of
the problem then you are effectively
trying to scoop up air into the middle
of the room...
Here's a typical scenario...
A person suffers from a lack of
confidence, they think solving that is
the first step. They focus all their
energy on overcoming their lack of
confidence by reading what has been
written on it... And a lot of what has
been written on attaining confidence is
also wrong and misleading. Especially
the how to get it back part.... But
let's say they find a good book on it.
They focus their energy on it, after all
confidence is a must for success. But
what they are doing is a waste
of time.
you can become confident and retain this
confidence which I seriously doubt in
the first place... Then all the
confidence in the world does you no good
unless you have the other pieces of the
puzzle in place.
A tiny doubt you don't verbalise but try
to keep hidden in the back of your mind,
secretly you are still depressed, or
secretly you fear failure, or you fear
success, or you worry about making
enough money to eat... Any
of those and ten thousand more is enough
to seed cancer into your confidence and
erode your resolve which eventually
be confident solely is a waste
of time.
Confidence is just one
component. You need to
understand how to not have your
confidence eroded, but do it without
effort. You need to not fear failure or
success, and you need 100 other tiny
little and some big thinking techniques
in place so that there is NO WAY your
confidence can begin to be eroded.Without this you are just
spinning your wheels and just 'hoping'
you'll get further ahead.
Another pitfall many people run
into is thinking that they must
hurry and become successful, or time
will run out.
Are you an idiot?
"...the Hayes Manual
for humans - in my opinion
they are the only self-help
books you will ever need."
I just wanted to
add my opinion of
Andy's books. I
can't do a full
review just yet as I
haven't actually
finished the books-
and aren't likely to
finish them for some
time! They are not
books that you can
just quickly read
once, they need to
be read slowly and
fully absorbed - I
read a few chapters
and then find myself
re-reading to make
sure I have fully
understood and
implemented what
Andy is saying. I
would go as far as
calling these books
the "˜Hayes Manual"
for humans - in my
opinion they are the
only self help books
you will ever need.
If you don't get it
after reading these,
then no other book
is going to do it
for you. I had
already come across
some of the concepts
before in other
books, and had
perhaps already
started to change my
mindset a little as
a result, but Andy
explains them in a
way which makes
perfect sense and
goes into much more
The definition of success is...
"the favourable or prosperous
termination of attempts or endeavours."
The interesting thing about
this definition is that it does not say
HOW you should succeed. I'm referring to
the fact that many people are close
minded about success and what it is.
They are not open to the fact that they
have already succeeded at thousands of
things in their lives. And instead are
focused solely on where they haven't
succeeded yet.
Getting your mind ALIGNED
is like tuning your mind in to the right
radio station... This station is telling
you where to go, instead you have a
nasty static going on inside your mind
which is keeping you stuck.
Your DESIGN for success
is crucial, or every step you take could
be 100% wasted and taking you in the
wrong direction. You can only truly
define what success is for you when you
have aligned your mind to what it is
you truly desire...
Not just what you think you
should desire.
What? You didn't want to hear that? I
could lie to you and...
I hate to use a cliché but, putting all
your eggs in one basket is a way too
risky way to live! Repeat after me and
always remember this, "You must
know where you're going, is where you
actually want to go."
Let's look at a simple example...
If you succeed and make a lot of money,
but when you get there you find you've
lost your partner and your children hate
you... Then you have to ask was this the
success you were after? When you create
success the right way, you still succeed
but the FULL life you are looking for is
there when you arrive.
I don't just believe in
thinking on purpose instead of by
accident, I know it is a must. I can
teach success to anyone in just 3
sentences... I can give you THE MAP for
ANY success... It is clear and
unequivocal but it will only work for
people whose mind is already in the
right place.
Knowing the map to success is useless
without first having your mind
conditioned to being able to follow the
map and of course it needs to be the map
to where you truly desire to go... And
if you're like me and have read
countless books on success then you
already have the map... But it's no good
to you without the other two missing
pieces of the puzzle.
"I am already
feeling confident that
is what is missing for me."
Hi Andy,
I am so glad that I
purchased your
books, as you said,
I asked a question
and I am being given
the answer in your
books. I can only
say I was gobsmacked with the
speed I received the
email about your
books, from the
moment I uttered the
question. I am on my
2nd read and I am
already feeling
confident that this
is what is missing
for me.
I have been at this
a long time, but
only getting small
manifestations now
and then. I am so
much clearer why
this is the case
since reading your
books. This is
surely a good
investment in
myself. I KNOW that
I will be writing to
you shortly about a
big manifestation.
Clearing my head is
certainly what is
needed to get me
going. Using my Bug
Free Mind is giving
me the tools and
guidance on where to
go next. I am
finally clear about
Goal Setting, I am
now Designing my
Life. Thank you
Andy, I am looking
forward to meeting
you. Best Wishes
Rosemary A
If you think that becoming successful
involves rushing then you are wrong... I
don't rush, I do things slowly... When I
rush I actually slow myself down...
When I used to work as a Window
Installer one of the core things I was
taught to repeat to myself so that I
could just be faster without rushing
was... 'More haste, less speed.'
Rushing causes mistakes and then back
tracking to overcome the mistakes.
Successful people look like they rush,
but have you looked at them?
The only people who rush are the ones
trying to succeed... Successful people
work fast but they do so without
rushing, and they are not 'trying' to
succeed. As succeeding is the inevitable
conclusion of their actions...
Successful people don't try, they just
do, or do not do! Unsuccessful people
try, successful people may use the word
try, but the state of mind behind them
'trying' is...
A successful or an unsuccessful person
will use the same language but mean
different things... For example, "I'm trying to do this..."
A successful person means,
"I'm doing this and I expect
it to work, but if this doesn't work
I'll do something else that will...
If that doesn't work I'll keep going
until one of the things I do does work!"
An unsuccessful person
means, "I'm trying to do
this, but I don't think it'll work. When
it doesn't work, I'll try and pick
myself up and give something else a go!"
'Trying' doesn't work, 'doing'
does... But to get to the state of mind
where you expect it to work, well that
was the state of mind you had when you
learnt to walk... And that's what I'm
going to give you back!
So what do you do? Focus on one and then
not have the other?
I will teach you inside of A Bug Free
Mind exactly how to have both, and much
more. How to make use of some of the
wisdom you've gained and what knowledge
you've crammed into your mind which is
not helping you.
You don't need any skill
It doesn't matter if you
have failed time and time again
You learnt to walk using your
mind, so you ARE NATURALLY
You don't need to be
clever to get this... As this is
simple, all you need is to be able
to listen and THINK!
Successful people fail time and time
again too. Successful people don't like
failure, but we all see it as part of
success... And we all look for ways to
reduce the incidences of failure, so
that we get their faster.
Most people teach success reasonably
well to successful people, but they
teach it very badly to unsuccessful
ones, because they don't know how to
teach it to them!
This is where something very special
has been woven into the Bug Free
System... It is woven in on every
page so that it gets past the invisible
barriers to success that an unsuccessful
person has allowed to be constructed in
their mind...
They are there and they are constructed
because they weren't there when they
learned to walk! To succeed, you simply
read and listen to the system and then
follow EXACTLY THE STEPS I lay out for
you to follow... Within days you'll
notice some amazing changes.
"I thought the books
will just be another
Hi Andy,
I bought your books.
Now reading
"Creating a Bug Free
Mind", awesome stuff
- gave colour to my
day, and the more I
absorb the clearer
my mind is. Thank
you for sharing this
with us. Though
sometimes it
"seemed" it was
obvious for my mind
to go in my
direction, the
thoughts were Cool,
but after flying
through the pages, I
realized there was
so much dust to
clean, my mind was
clouded, and there
that little saboteur
playing the piano of
my ways.
The info is simple,
but I had to read
again and again some
of the chapters, to
install the right
piece of the thought
and to get rid of
the dust in some
corners of my mind.
I thought I mastered
the "15 seconds of the
powerful thought"
the first time,
reading the "5 free
chapters" you
provided, but after
I started to change
my thought patterns
from the book, I
realized that it was
just a trick of the yada-yada-nutter. So
I made some steps
back and played with
that exercise for a
while; then I get
back with more power
on My road.
Really enjoying the
books, and to be
truthful, I thought
the books will just
be another
and to my surprise,
I got a lot for so
little investment.
It's like investing
40 pounds knowing
I'll get 40.000
return; and I'm just
at the beginning of
your "first book".
It will surely rise
till the end and
multiply when I'll
get to the second
one - "Using a Bug
Free Mind".
All Success.
Iulian Gudmac
Yes, I literally take you inside
your mind and I show you
step-by-step EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of how
you think and what's wrong with it...
But in THE WAY I show you it seeds you
with the ANTIVIRUS to allowing those
thoughts back... Basically I give you
the power to change how you think, but
to do it without the need to put effort
As an example, it takes no effort to not
try eating a table... Why would you want
to do that?
Well after learning this way of
thinking, you'll discover that you feel,
well why would I want to think the old
way? And so you will change your bad
thinking with very little to no effort
moving forward.
This is how you succeed, by removing ALL
the cancerous thoughts simply with ease
and at the same time!
A Bug Free Mind wasn't something I just
threw together and figured I'd sell it.
That was not the intent... The intent
Controlling What You
Think - You know how you
can't shut your mind up... You want
to try and think clearly but your
mind keeps throwing doubts, worries
and fears at you? Well I show you an
exact step-by-step process for
silencing your mind's chatter so that
you can control what you think and
decide on what thoughts you want to
allow into your mind... Instead of
them appearing by accident!
Procrastination -
People consider this to be one of
their biggest problems. But did you
know that there's good and bad
procrastination. One type helps you
get what you're after... As for the
other bad type, well procrastination
is something which is removed with
ease once you remove the elements of
your thinking which create it in the
first place.
Overcoming Self-Limiting
Beliefs - One of the
biggest problems people have is their
current position in life. They
consider because they are here then
they can only do so much. I teach
you how your past is only of use if
it helps you. If it hurts you then
it's holding you back. So you'll
learn a technique which will enable
you to let go of your current
situation and design what you want
from life. As you do that, a
by-product of this process is that
you easily overcome any
self-limiting beliefs.
Removing Bad Stress -
Did you know there's good
and bad stress? Well the good stress
you want more of, and the bad stress
you obviously want rid of. So I'll
teach you a process which will
basically mean the complete removal
of bad stress from your life within
moments of learning it... Yes, I know
it sounds too good to be true but
it really does work like that, and
when I teach you it you are going
to feel that you already knew it.
Self-Esteem -
Self esteem issues are one of the
biggest hurdles to success in life
in so many areas. Well you're going
to learn how to have impenetrable
self-esteem. But remember with
everything I show you - once you
learn it then it becomes easy and
effortless to continue to apply - and
impenetrable self-esteem is just the
same... You will simply have
impenetrable self-esteem, you won't
have to try and have it!
"It's a truly
brilliant approach and I
hope you're really proud of
what you've put together."
Dear Andy,
I've read both the
books over the Xmas
holidays and they
are excellent. I
just finished
reading them both
yesterday - now to
the second pass
the books and some
feedback: I'm a big
fan of The Science
of Getting Rich &
The Science of Being
Great and also
Richard Wilkins'
concepts of 'the
script' and 'the
sausage machine'
You've blended those
perfectly and you've
added some of your
own genius to these
particularly on the
language that we use
and I think your
greatest skill is
making it easy for
people to take
action. Btw I have
physics degree from
Oxford, and the
Quantum Physics you
talk about is
totally correct in
its mystery and
although we don't
have to understand
it totally to be
able to use it, I DO
love the fact that
you can totally
explain the Law of
Creation as a
derivative of
Quantum effects.
Anyway, thanks for
doing your stuff.
It's a truly
brilliant approach
and I hope you're
really proud of what
you've put together.
Great work indeed.
Keep it up.
Tom Cassidy
you like to read information
that you can just put into
action straight away and see
instant results?
Then click play and hear
Simon Dodd from England
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you fed up trying to believe
you will succeed? Would you
like to 'know' success is
certain for you? Then click play and hear
David Jaskolski from
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you have a really short
attention span? Would you
like a way to get focused
and not get bored? Then click play and hear
Rudd Ryans from England
to say about
The Bug Free
Mind Process
Overcoming ANY and ALL
FEAR - Fear is what holds
people back in life... We all know
the acronym F.E.A.R. is False
Evidence Appearing Real... So what's
the problem, why isn't everyone on
Earth free of fear? Simple, knowing
something isn't real isn't enough. You have to understand how fear is
created and observe your creation of
it. When I give you the techniques
around fear you will find your fears
melt away... You'll enjoy this so
much that you'll look for things to
be afraid of so that you can
overcome your fear of it!
Removing Your Need To
Worry - I have always been
considered as someone who didn't
worry. I just didn't see the point
and people used to say to me,
"You're so lucky you don't worry!" I
couldn't understand what they meant
until I looked into worrying and I
saw why everyone does it. So I
designed a simple process for
removing worrying from your life...
Sounds impossible I know, but hey,
it's easy when you think differently
about certain things, as you'll soon
A Lack of Motivation -
A whole industry has built up around
motivation and showing people how to
"Get Motivated!" Well I'm going to
teach you that motivation IS NOT
WHAT YOU NEED! In fact if you
attempt to "Get Motivated" then you
will just carry on repeating the
same cycle in life. Instead I tell
you EXACTLY what you need to NEVER
need motivation again... Instead
you'll have an abundance of all you
need to do what you are only
attempting to do when you try and
"Get Motivated!"
Removing Negative
Thinking - Another industry
has been built up around "Positive
Thinking", but this is just a joke,
putting effort into thinking
positive is just a waste of time.
I'll show you what I mean... If you
just stop thinking negatively then
what is the net result? You
automatically think positively, but
You're going to learn how to remove
naturally become again A Positive
Creating Total Self
Confidence - Another entire
industry exists around teaching you
to become more confident... Look
this is just like trying to scoop up
air into the middle of the room. You
are Naturally A Confident Person.
The problem is that you have been
programmed to forget that you are.
So all I do is show you a simple
thinking technique which allows you
to regain your Natural Self
Confidence... If you lack confidence
then the simplicity of this will
probably make you cry... As you are
going to love having confidence
"...I'll always be
Hi Andy,
Exciting things
started happening in
my life when I was
about half way
through Andy's book!
This included a job
offer completely
when I hadn't even
updated my CV since
2007! If you're
passionate about
but feel like you're
not making much
progress, you should
definitely pick up a
copy of Andy's
Andy knows,
understands, and has
lived the bad
thought habits that
we've picked up over
the years, and
really does know how
to remove them! I
feel that Andy can
truly relate to his
audience in a way
that I've found
others in the Self
Improvement field
Thanks for
sharing your
knowledge Andy, I'll
always be grateful
for that. I carry
your first book
around with me
everywhere, so I
might need to come
back and buy it
again one day if it
becomes too shabby!
Pete Morris
Overcoming Doubt -
We all have doubts, we
conceive something and then have
doubts come up... These are caused
by our life-long exposure to other
people. It is not our natural state
to doubt we can do things. Our
natural state is just to intend to
do it. So what I teach you is a
thinking technique which means you
remove your doubts one at a time so
that you create the certainty of
success... This is the same process
you used naturally to learn to walk,
but because you haven't used it...
Because you were never taught how to
think, then you need to learn it
once again.
Removing Bad Programming
- Some of the very words
you are using are actually keeping
you trapped so that you appear to be
stuck in life. I go through the most
dangerous 'But Very Common' words we
use everyday so that you can see the
damage they do to you. This then
creates awareness of the danger and
so the power of awareness becomes
available to you. This technique
changes your everyday life on a
subtle but profound way, which you
are going to wish you had known
about decades ago!
Do You Get Overwhelmed -
Overwhelm is the growing disease of
our age, so it is easy to become
overwhelmed with everything that you
now have going on in your life. But
your going to learn a system for
preventing overwhelm from beginning,
and if it begins then you'll also
have a system for just 'switching it
Manifesting On Purpose -
I'm going to give you the secret
system for manifesting... The secret
is you already have it, you are just
not doing it on purpose but by
accident... When I show you this
amazingly simple, natural system it
will enable you to turn it on and
manifest on purpose... If you've
tried manifesting on purpose before
and not gotten very good results...
You wait until you learn how to do
it naturally... This should blow
your mind wide open to what you CAN
get from life.
Finding Your True
Purpose - If you don't know
where you're going, then how do you
know you'll end up where you want to
go? ...It's so obvious that you need
to know what that is, what isn't
obvious is the process I've created
for you finding out what you true
purpose is in life... When you apply
this technique then you will never
lack motivation again!
How To Use Less Effort
But Have A Lot More -
Everyone thinks that to have what
you want you have to do so much
more. They associate having more
with massive effort. But thousands
of years ago the wisest people
worked out that you could use less
effort but have more... So when you
learn how to apply this ancient
wisdom to your everyday thinking,
then you will be amazed at the
transformation in your life.
Creating An Abundance of
Good Luck - Our society
lives and dies on luck... It is like
a drug, yet successful people seem
to have an abundance of it... Is it
that they are just 'lucky' or is
there a system at work which you can
apply to create an abundance of good
luck? When you understand luck and
how it is created then you will be
easily able to change your thinking,
so that you too can become 'the
lucky sort of person' that the
'unlucky' think successful people
Problem Solving -
Everyone has problems, or as
successful people see them
opportunities in disguise. You're
going to learn a thinking technique
which will enable you to 'Find the
Answer to ANY Problem!' ...And more
importantly, the technique enables
you to find the perfect answer for
How To Turn On The Tap
of Opportunities - One of
the biggest problems successful
people have is 'Turning Off The Tap
of Opportunities', this is to do
with a by-product of how they think.
If you have been waiting for the
opportunity then I'll teach you a
technique which will reveal to you
opportunities everywhere...
Finding Your True
Purpose - This is simply
the core of every book on success,
it is about creating the Perfect
Design for the rest of your life -
The problem is, if you've read other
success books, then why is this not
in place? Because if you don't know
where you're going, then how do you
know you'll end up where you want to
go? ...It's so obvious that you need
to know what that is, what isn't
obvious is the process I've created
for you finding out what your true
purpose is in life... When you apply
this technique then you will never
lack motivation again!
Instant Happiness -
I'm going to give you a
technique which will ensure you have
instant happiness... In ANY
situation. We all want to be happy,
well happiness is a choice when you
know how to think. When you think
like the herd of humanity then
happiness is elusive. You are going
to learn how to create and maintain
happiness whenever you want to!
As you can see A Bug Free Mind is NOT
some lightly thrown together course.
This literally is the most comprehensive
course ever developed on success in
Read What
These People Who Have Already
Been Through A Bug Free Mind Thought...
"I am currently on
my third read through the
first book and the changes
in my mindset already are
Just wanted to say I
am currently on my
third read through
the first book and
the changes in my
mindset already are
incredible, and yet
I know I am still
work in progress and
expect to be so for
the duration.
I am also currently
dealing with some
serious sticky stuff
and have never felt
so calm as this for
years, thank you
Andy for being
there, the student
was certainly ready.
I recommend this
approach above any
other and I am so
grateful I
manifested you into
my life…
I urge anyone else
reading this to
invest in their
future and the books
right now you will
never regret this
Kind regards,
Thanks Andy,
Tony Balfe
If you're wondering if these
books will work for you? Or
even if you are worrying
that they may not!
Then click play and hear
Stephanie Cooke from England
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you find that the
information in all the books
you've read great but you
can't quite put it into
Then click play and hear
Graig Lawton from Australia
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you find you feel great when
you read a book but after
you finish it then the
negativity creeps back in?
Then click play and hear
Wildish from England
to say about
The Bug Free
Mind Process
"Words can't do it
justice. I am seeing, in
just 72 hours, big changes
in my life!!!"
Hi Andy,
First off, I must
say I believe God
led me to the
site and the
information, as it
was perfect timing
for lessons I have
been learning. He
used your site
to TRANSFORM my life
- my whole brain,
quite frankly.
I can't even express
the changes I have
experienced in the
last 3 days.
Honestly, I have
never bought a
product anywhere
(since 2002 I've
spent more than
$80,000 US on
products and
coaching) that comes
close to changing
mindsets like you
have created with BugFree.
Words can't do it
justice. I am
seeing, in just 72
hours, big changes
in my life!!!
People need this
desperately, Andy.
If cleaning it up
would get it into
more folks' hands -
that would be
Thanks for listening
to this feedback.
Thanks for pouring
yourself into this
cutting edge piece
of work!
May you be blessed
and your site reach
Take care,
Lisa Rae Preston
I Give You The Missing Pieces From All
Other Books And Courses Out There... They All
Teach Good Stuff, But Without The Pieces
Which Bring It Together Then It Is Just
More Knowledge You Cannot Use
I can almost guarantee you've purchased
a product or a service, and after the
sale you felt that you were nearly there
but that there was something missing. If
you approached the product creator then
they probably told you that the product
is complete in itself and if you don't
understand it then, it's your fault!
This is what made me angry enough to
write these books! If 99%+ of students
don't get something, it's not the
students IT'S THE TEACHER!!!! This is so
obvious and what made me really angry!
Then I discovered why they couldn't
teach it to you and so solved the
problem which they couldn't... So you
won't be left feeling there's a missing
piece... It's there for you. But if you
are still stuck then ask me to go deeper
and answer your question... I LIKE
QUESTIONS, they give me an opportunity
to go deeper... That's how I learn so
I'm grateful for questions, so I'll walk
you through it step-by-step!
How can I do this and still have a life?
Well I don't get asked that many
questions as I really did design this
course to solve all the questions...
Many readers say this to me...
"Just as I felt I
needed an answer to a question, so I
turned the page and there it was."
"Andy Actually
Delivers What Most
Called Gurus' Eagerly
What many other
so called gurus
promise Andy
actually delivers -
clear, simple,
practical steps to
building the life
and wealth you
always wanted. It's
this simple - I have
found no-one better
at showing the way
to get wealthy that
anyone can follow.
Andrew Leedham
you like to lift the lid off
your potential so that you
can have all your dreams
Then click play and hear
Matthew Noronha from England
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you looking for a way to
reset your mind, get rid of
your self-limiting beliefs
and remove procrastination?
Then click play and hear
Steve Gilligan from England
has to say about
The Bug
Free Mind Process
you dsylexic and therefore
are you worried that these
will just be more
'Shelf-Help' books?
Then click play and hear
Vince Mullowney
from England
to say about
The Bug Free
Mind Process
Two+ Hour
with me Andy
Watch and
learn as we
delve deep
into some of
the parts of
the Bug Free
System which
'go against
the grain'
of what is
taught in
world of
You will
hear me
answer some
never before
which will
change the
way you look
at your
to you
by Email
come to
you as a
30 day
the 30th
will be
The Backbone to Success - Nothing works without it!
Silencing Your Mind - If you can't think clearly, you can't become successful
Your Mindset for Success - Understanding the mindset you must create before you can become successful
The Secret to Getting What You Want in an Instant
How to Always Find the Answer to Every Difficult Question
A Step-by-Step Method to Manifesting All Your Desires
A Glimpse Into Your Future - If you know your future you can change your present... And that will change your future
A CERTAIN Path to Riches ...and lots more!
This is an
additional £214
Worth of
You know in the book
where you can look
forward to moment
when you can say
"bleep" this
stuff works....well
it F......g! well
does!!! I have
managed to do the
following in one
someone that I
wanted to talk
to....solve a
problem with a
£716 & also (almost)
get an Audi Q5 (well
they sent me a
brochure which they
have NEVER DONE) on
the same day I spoke
about it with my
wife - also I
manifested 2 fresh
leads for my
business which could
well bring in a lot
more money each
week...oh and I
manifested almost
enough for a new
bike....£108 instead
of £189 - Cool &
effortless! Ash b
Ashley Burt
Could you become successful on your own
without A Bug Free Mind? Sure you could,
if you still have your natural success
mindset that is... but why? But, why?
Why should you take the chance that you
may not still have some shred of your
natural success mindset left?
Let me make a pretty bold statement. In
today's day and age for anyone to learn
through trial and error is completely
absurd. To add to that, especially, when
you have someone right in front of you
who has taken the time to lay it all out
for you in a complete step-by-step
format which is ready for you right now.
Special Bonus -
Special Limited Test Bonus,
video e-course and 2 hour
in-depth success mindset
The Audio
Versions come with 'Free
Lifetime updates!' - I will be improving
this process for the rest of
my life and as the audios
are digital I can give you
free lifetime updates!
a.) You can
continue on at your own pace and
buy the next book or system that
comes along. Which may or more
likely may not help you along
the way. Someday you may regain
control of your natural success
b.) You can
make the same decision which
thousands of people have already
made and that is to let me teach
you. Let me be your guide, hold
your hand and give you the
instruction and training you
rightfully deserve.
I want to learn the
exact strategies and techniques which Andy Shaw has used to create Success after
I will
of A Bug
books with over 850 pages and
26 hours
downloadable recordings
of the
to the
26 hours
recordings (which include FREE LIFETIME UPDATES).
part of
and the
two hour
If you experience any problems when
ordering then please contact us here:
Best of Success,
P.S. - Place your order now and
claim your video course and success
mindset interview bonus
P.P.S. - I strongly
advise you to purchase both the books
and the audios because both will aid you
surrounding you with this simple set of multiple
thinking techniques that will simply
transform your life. Even though they
are exactly the same
content they are a
totally different
experience, and will
convey the message
to you in the
correct way.
However, I really do
understand that
right now you may
doubt that it can be
this good, as today
it all seems too
good to be true. And
besides this looks
like I'm just being
self-serving... But,
in time you will
come to understand
that I am only
interested in your
success and that I
know how to get you
there in the
However, I really do
understand that right now you may doubt
that it can be this good, as today it
all seems too good to be true. And
besides this looks like I'm just being
self-serving... But, in time you will
come to understand that I am only
interested in your success and that I
know how to get you there in the
shortest timeframe...
But if any of that is a concern, or if
money is the concern then you can buy
either the books or audios separately...
I've just given you a discount on the
full set as I know what works best for
people, so it's ENTIRELY your choice...
And besides when you get into this I
also know you'll be back to buy what you
didn't get... And yes I know you don't
believe me there too! But I really do know
how our minds work and when you get the
power of what I'm giving you here, you
will want more...
So it is entirely your choice, all I
would advise is that you take one of the
options as this can only work if you
take your set and listen or read them...
I can help you but I can only show you
where the door is, you have to walk
through: -
Books Only
Audios Only
Comes with FREE Lifetime
Both Books & Audios
The Audios come with
FREE Lifetime updates
If you experience any problems when
ordering then please contact us here:
Are you ready to
join thousands of others
who've turned their
lives around with
A Bug
Free Mind?
happiness the thing you
really want?
you over 50 and have
realised that nothing you've
done has so far worked?
Would you like to release
all your stress, anxiety,
worries and anger? Would you
like to have an amazing
amount of self confidence so
that you can go and get what
you once dreamed about
getting from life? Would you
just like to feel good and
feel happy in every moment
of every day?
Then click play and listen
to what Phil Wyatt
from England says
about what The Bug Free
Process has done for his
you looking to clear a
lifetime of junk that's
built up in your mind?
you lacking focus in your
life? Are you looking for
direction in life? Would you
like a book that is written
just to you? Which will help
you de-clutter a lifetime of
junk, and then focus your
life in the direction you
want it to go in?
If so then you may want to
listen to what Will Megginson from Scotland has
to say about what the Bug
Free Process has done for
him so far...
you always sad? Would you
like to know how someone's
life changes after just one
Do you let what's going on
in the world wear you down
and don't know how to get
past it? Are you stuck
repeating the same mistakes
over and over again? Would
you like other people not be
able to stress you out?
Would you like to have your
negativity removed? Would
you like to enjoy life again
and be calm and relaxed?
Would you just like to be
able to stop judging
yourself? Would you like
your life to just get
simpler? Would you like to
have something to fall back
on when life gets really
Then click play and listen
to what Patti
Weiland from Iowa USA says
about what The Bug Free
Process has done for her
life so far...
wealth what you want in your
life? Would
you like to get crazy
results! Is wealth and
riches what you want to have
in your life? Do you want to
take your life to a higher
level? If you want your
business to be successful
and more importantly, if you
want your business or career
to make you happy then you
may want to listen to what
Adil Amarsi from
England has to say
about The Bug Free
you want to hit goals that
you would never have dreamed
of hitting?
you know that there's
something in your mind that
isn't quite right? Do you
know that there is something
in your mind which is
holding you back? Would you
like to see what that is and
then remove the problem so
that you can just get on
with life?
Then click play and listen
to what Brett Bibb from
England says
about what The Bug Free
Process has done for his
life in the last 12 months...
you like a way of really
considering where you are
and where you want to go?
you lacking focus in your
life? Have you reached a
point where it's time to get
your life heading in the
right direction? Have you
recently been made redundant
and are looking for some
direction in life as to
finding the path you truly
want to go down?
If so then you may want to
watch what Keith Gravestock
from England has to say
about his experience of The
Bug Free Process...
you like a manual for life?
Something that would mean
that your life could
actually become the person
you once dreamt you could
any of this sound familiar
to you? You feel that
there's a few ingredients
missing from all you've
learnt that are the secrets
bit's which make it all
Do you find life has not
gone according to plan, and
do you wish that there was
just a 'workshop manual'
that you could simply follow
and stop making all the
Then click play and listen
to what Clive Hale from
England says
about what The Bug Free
Process has done for his
life in the last few months...
Readers and Listeners of
The Bug Free Process
leave new testimonials
regularly. If you would
like to see more
endorsements of what A
Bug Free Mind is doing
for everyone who buys
and then begins to go
through the process
Click Here for all our
YouTube Videos