Are you in the 99% of People studying self-improvement, yet not getting the results you want?
If you are in that group then you will learn a lot from this article…
But I can’t promise you’ll like it, just that it will explain to you the problem you have, and what to do about it.
A few years ago I decided to figure out why there was an abundance of wisdom available to almost everyone in the world, yet there were so few people living successful lives.

...And by success, I mean living the life they love on their terms and getting a real sense of personal achievement.
In particular, I was interested in the less than 10% of society that were actively looking to improve themselves with self-improvement material. And why less than 1% of those ever achieve the life of their dreams.
I wrote about this in A Bug Free Mind, but my understanding has grown since then and this article should explain the whole problem even better than I did back then.
My fascination is in the 99% of people in the group of people who were studying and not getting anywhere…
This really fascinated me… What’s going on?
It turns out that using the way we are shown to create success is almost as impossible to succeed with as flying to Mars by flapping your arms!

Andy Shaw creator of A Bug Free Mind
How can I say that, given that a few people succeed?
Because the people who do succeed saying they use this method, didn’t use that method. They succeeded because they already could!
The problem I’ve found after two decades of focusing on this is… There are 5 Elements that are actively working against people studying self-improvement which are preventing their progress.
These five elements are either not known about, or are known and not considered.
So to nutshell it…
There are 5 Elements to the main problem in today's world of ‘no progress with success and personal achievement’, and no amount of cramming in knowledge will overcome this!
Which means... Continuing to study this way will continue to be as effective as flapping your arms to fly to Mars.
So what are these 5 Elements?
Element 1:
The first two elements are closely connected... The first is that you are simply drowning in information today…
If you're typical… you've bought countless books on personal development. Your shelf is stacked full of them. And your reading list continues to grow with every Facebook post asking for more reading suggestions.
However, the truth is… If you're not living your dream life right now, then you're not applying what you’re learning.

Which begs the question… So what’s the point of learning it?
People forget to look at this, because if they did then they’d start to find the answer they are ‘actually’ looking for in all the books…
In today's world of people studying self-improvement, you are left with people who can talk about what they’re learning so much so that they could teach it to others…
...Yet they just can’t apply it themselves to their own lives. We’ve all seen life coaches who cannot practice nor achieve what they preach.
More truth is; you and everyone studying self-improvement are at the very best using less than 5% of whatever you learn to change and improve your life!
That can’t be true though right, as you’ve learned so much… As my regular students will know I often comment on knowledge without application actually being destructive, not constructive to people's development…
But why is that?
You see, we've all been conditioned by our education system, by our peers, by the personal achievement teachers, that the way to success is to read read read & study study study ... as much ... as possible!
There’s only one problem with this plan… It’s utter, utter, utter ...garbage!
If you've been out in the real world for any length of time… you already know that it doesn't really matter WHAT you know... It doesn’t matter how much you can memorise… The only thing that matters in the real world is what you can apply… What you can actually do!
… Everything else is just noise! Pleasant noise, but just noise UNTIL you can learn to apply it. Which is why I advise people to apply just in time learning, which is the second element.
Element 2:
Just in time learning...
Think about it… Why learn something before you need it?
Because learning something fools you into thinking you know something and that you don’t need to learn it later. When later is when you actually do need it, and can, therefore, implement it.
But our nature is to assume we have learned something when we haven’t.

The solution is to always consider, ‘am I living to this.’ If you are, then you have learnt it for now… But there is element 3 which causes a problem with that… But before we get to element 3 let’s consider if you are not living to what you learned…
Well, it means you haven’t learnt it properly. You merely have a weak and destructive intellectual understanding. That's all!
It’s destructive because you incorrectly assume you have learnt it, and know it. Way better to know you don't know something, than know you do, but do not.
And to confuse things even more… You are correct, you do know it. But you don’t know it to a high enough level…
Knowing something transforms into wisdom when you are living to it. So knowing something is useless and destructive if you are not living to it.
So your progress doesn’t happen because you are overwhelmed with new competing information and you are not applying what you’ve already learnt…
How could you possibly make real progress following this method?
Which is the exact method the 99% of people in the group of self-improvement students follow!
But it gets worse…
Element 3:
The 3rd and simply massive element which is not understood by virtually everyone on earth is….
Your mind is not static. The human mind is constantly changing and is therefore not static… Obvious right?
So why do we assume and believe we can learn something and know it if we are not living to it?
If we couldn’t live to it when we learnt it, how do we think we can possibly live to it later after years of changes in our thinking?

Because the whole world is following this very same false assumption.
The whole world believes they can learn something and then they have that information and that’s the end of it… They believe they now have it on call at a moment's notice.
If this were in any way true, then there would be a 99% reduction in stress, anxiety, and depression in the world… Can you imagine that…
No, of course, you can’t imagine it as it’s not possible… Yet at least.
Instead, we are at epidemic levels of depression, anxiety, and stress...
So why is it not possible...
Why is none of this possible?
Because your mind is not static…
Your mind changes from this hour to the next, it is changing shape all the time, because you are moving through life even if you are sitting still.
Your mind this year bears little resemblance to the mind you had when you were 18 years old… Your whole life has changed since then, therefore how you think has changed too.
Your consciousness has moved up in some areas of your life, and down in others… And the levels keep changing depending on your life situation… You keep changing, always!
Therefore something you learnt last year, last month, may not be something you can apply today. Because your mind is not static. So to think for a brief second that the accumulation of knowledge would be the solution to personal achievement is just dumb…
Even if the whole world does it that way.
Without a way to keep up with the changes your mind goes through, then almost everything you learnt goes out of date. Then you wonder why you can’t achieve what you know you are capable of…
If your mind was static then depression would not be possible. The fact that depression exists in the mind of someone who studies self-improvement is proof that your mind is not static.
It’s not because they are weak, and should just suck it up… It is because their mind is not processing thoughts in the way their mind is designed to work.
Change how thoughts are processed and the result is:
...All of the nasties cannot help but fall away if you can continue to apply the right thought process over time…
But your mind is not static, and so being able to apply this process is key to continuous and never-ending improvement, and the attainment of personal achievement.
...Why do you assume you can read something once and just have it available to your beck and call?
Because education does not take into account the fact that your mind is not static. And does not teach just in time learning. It is not in their interest to do so…
So someone taught it wrongly, and the whole world has copied them!
So your progress doesn’t happen because... You are overwhelmed with new competing information and you are not applying what you’ve already learnt... And your mind is not the same as when you learnt it...
How could you possibly make real progress following this method? ...Which is the exact method the 99% of people in the group of self-improvement students follow…
Can you see why you’ve made little to no progress… Or can you see why you made progress before, but can’t seem to get back to that?
But wait it gets worse…
Element 4:
The 4th element is simplicity...
We think and know we always want simpler, and it’s true we do. We have been trained to want and expect it.
So simplicity is served up to us, and then we don’t make progress…
This is because of what Albert Einstein discovered… Make everything as simple as possible but not simpler.

Our minds have to attain the right level of consciousness to be able to understand, learn to know, and then apply the wisdom.
If something is too simple, then our minds can switch off our recognition of it. We literally don’t see it. Our mind was given something too simple, and it effectively ignored it 100%...
Simplicity has to meet the mind of the student in exactly the right place for wisdom to be seen, learned, accepted and then finally transformed into living it as a way of life...
To prove this just spend 5 minutes talking to anyone of my readers. Anyone who has read or listened to A Bug Free Mind more than once will tell you they never saw certain parts of the process when they first read it.
They’d probably swear it wasn’t in there. However, most who have listened to it 20+ times are still discovering new things they never heard in it before.
This is because their consciousness is raising as they study and they can understand and apply the simplicity. Because I made the lesson simple enough, but not too simple… So that when their mind was ready, the plainly written lesson was absorbed and they were able to live to it easily.
People think they can go and get Cliff notes from books and that way get all the wisdom from a 250-page book in a 3-page read. No, they can’t, anyone who thinks that is dumb!
Sure you can stick more knowledge into your mind which you are not capable of applying.
- But you can’t get the wisdom from it.
- But your ego convinces you that you can…
- And the whole world agrees and does it that way…
But everyone doing it one way does not make it right. It just means that our embedded herd thinking is still going strong!
People think they must consume and get to the end of the book, the video, the course to have learned. Whereas the truth is to apply what you are learning.

If you never get to the end but achieve progress and your goals, then why do you need to get to the end?
You don’t…
The truth is... We want simplicity, but not simpler… Even if we don’t think we want it!
Understanding that there is a limit in our minds for simplicity because it is relevant to our current level of consciousness means the 4th Element ceases to hold you back.
So your progress doesn’t happen because you are overwhelmed with new competing information... And you are not applying what you’ve already learnt... And your mind is not the same as when you learnt it… And you are seeking it to be too simple which means you can’t actually learn to apply it...
How could you possibly make real progress following this method? ...Which is the exact method the 99% of people in the group of self-improvement students follow…
Can you see why you’ve made little to no progress? Or can you see why you made progress before, but can’t seem to get back to that?
But wait it gets worse…
There’s one more element I’ve found which is so obvious but is not convenient so is excluded from people’s considerations… But you need to be awake to avoid a problem with learning it…
So if you’re awake and I haven’t put you to sleep…
Element 5
The final element is your level of immersion in the material...
Right now your ego will probably be jumping about and rebutting what I’ve just said… But let me explain, as that line was too simple, for your current level of consciousness…
A while back a friend of mine who was studying my Success Made Simple course said to me, “You know this is the formula Ben Franklin wrote about in his autobiography, you’ve made what he said practical.”
I hadn’t noticed, but he was right.

The formula I had used to create my course was in that book. It’s the formula that Ben Franklin called his, 'personal success formula'.
200 years before the internet Ben Franklin had figured this stuff out himself. It was and is the simplest implementation system ever devised for creating a successful life.
But that’s where the problem lies… As it was so simple in fact… That for 200 years… Despite millions of the books being read, hardly anyone's ever tried it!
Let alone made it work!
The formula, in a nutshell, was this…
...Now before I tell you this, please don't be fooled by the simplicity of what I'm about to show you.
Yes, it really is simple but it is also the most powerful secret to getting everything you want in life.
Are you ready to hear it?
Here it is: What Ben Franklin did was pick one subject. And spend a week concentrating on that one thing
until its mastered and then he moved on to the next.
…It sounds so obvious, doesn’t it?
...You with your massive intellect can’t do obvious stuff like that as you are dragged off with your need to learn new stuff at the moment you finish consuming the thing you’ve just learnt but can’t apply...
You have fallen into the habit of acquiring knowledge and moving on - virtually everyone has!
Now when you were a child you were in the habit of acquiring knowledge and then applying it, then moving on.
You see we have been trained the wrong way, we used to do it naturally, as success is natural to us… But success has been trained and educated out of us. Instead, we have been trained to thirst for knowledge.
So we get knowledge, we get and feel for a while anyway, that we’ve progressed because we learnt new stuff, but we don’t get success… And we don’t get personal achievement...
The way you did it as a child is called focusing, the way you do it as an adult is called confusing… And a confused person does not make progress. They do not succeed, and they then get no personal achievement…
Every time I have moved my life forward it has come about right after I’ve immersed myself in a subject and then persisted with my education in it…
Every time I talk to someone who's had success in an area, it immediately follows an immersive experience and then they persisted with their education and focus on it. - That’s everybody!
The personal achievement you seek cannot be attained without immersion in the area you wish achievement in.
Franklin knew it, I know it, and you know it now, at the moment… But can you live to it?
If you have had successes before, then just look at what led to your success. Right before achieving it you immersed yourself in that subject.
...Any lack of progress now is a result of either lack of immersion or one or more of the other four elements.
So to recap the 5 Elements
Now think about it…
It’s obvious now when presented in a clear and present way…
How could you possibly make real progress following the method of successful attainment that the herd has created and followed!
Those 5 Fatal Elements are the method the 99% of people in the group of self-improvement students automatically-without-thought follow!
Now can you see why you’ve made little to no progress?
...Or can you see why you made progress before, but can’t seem to get back to that?
So that’s what I’ve figured out thanks to my fascination in why 99% of people in the group of people who were studying self-improvement were not getting anywhere…
So if you are in that group then the rest of this article is on how you can switch it around so that you do much less, but achieve much more…
Does that sound good?
How To Achieve More But Do Less
My major concern as someone who states his ability to teach this difficult 'achieving success' subject and get people results was… How do I break these herd patterns?
How do I get people to stop going around in circles… Even if they don’t notice they are going round in circles and getting nowhere!
- How do I get people to stop drowning themselves in information?
- How do I teach them to always consider if they are applying what they are learning?
- How to help them understand and acknowledge their mind is changing?And, how to best adapt to the change?
- How to demonstrate simplicity, but how to not be too simple?
- How to immerse someone without them needing to give up a stack of their very valuable time?

I knew achieving this would mean success, fulfilment and personal achievement for the student…
This was the right question… and I knew … If I could be the one who solved this problem, it was the key to helping people get everything they desire from life!
But… To be frank I was stumped!!
Until one day … From out of nowhere it hit me. Make it simple for people, as I do for myself when I want to learn anything…
Whenever I want to learn anything I just break it down into little bite-sized-bits and focus on them again and again until I’ve mastered them. Simple really...
The answer was… I needed to teach you the natural skill you have had trained out of you, the skill of focusing on one thing at a time!
I know, I know, it’s way too simple, it’s too obvious… But if you are studying self-improvement, then it happens to be the solution you have been and are looking for.

As I showed you earlier in Element 2… If you are not living to the wisdom you are learning, then what is the point of learning it?
Surely, learning to apply the wisdom is true genius...
Think about it...
Instead, you just get progress and a sense of fulfilment...
Achieved simply through total and utter focus on one thing at a time… As you make consistent progress towards your goals and dreams…. Making your success, your personal achievement... In any area… certain!
However, I knew the problem is getting someone as smart as you to realise that the solution doesn’t lie in the acquisition of copious amounts of knowledge but re-acquiring the skill of applying knowledge!
In other words, getting you to go against the way you’ve been trained your entire life…
So… I knew I had to break success down into bite-sized bits... And that’s how I solved the problem of you not being able to absorb the skills & information you need to succeed...
And thanks to Ben Franklin, I can give you a wonderful example of this system being applied to live an extraordinary life!
His 200-year-old success formula forms the entire premise my Success Made Simple course is built on…
So let’s see if I can convince you!
Let me ask you a few questions...
Let me ask you a few questions...
Have you personally struggled to create the change in life you wanted?
Have you ever felt held back in some way, when trying to learn any new personal development program or business opportunity?
Have you ever wondered WHY it is that so many other people (who are no smarter ...or better off than you), why they find it so EASY to succeed at investing... or trading... or internet marketing… or dating… or business, or just in their relationships?
But you... Even though you're pretty clever... cannot seem to make some important things in your life work?
If you've said yes to any of those questions then, my friend...
… Your Day Just Got A Lot Better!
Because you can now join Success Made Simple the Accelerated Learning Video Course.
Which contains the same Results Proven Bug Free Mind Process that's already helped tens of thousands of people all over the world to:
End depression, anxiety, stress, and worry...
Get freedom from fear...
Eliminate overwhelm...
End Anger, and all resentment...
And help more people than ANY OTHER recorded personal development program to:
Discover their true purpose in life...
Design their lives for certain success...
Shatter self-limiting beliefs...
Manifest desires almost on command...
Tap their subconscious mind power for solutions to impossible problems...
Unleash their full creative powers...
Remove all the roadblocks that prevent them from living a successful life...
...And best of all...
You're about to get all this but in a Transformed, Powerful, Dynamic, and Accelerated Interactive Video format that delivers the training to you in a simplified and easy way…
Which means, it’ll give you even faster more dramatic results than ever before!
When you consider that even personal development giants like Tony Robbins and Bob Proctor have publicly stated that only 1% of their materials ever get READ...
Let alone acted upon!
Whereas my A Bug Free Mind books and audios have a 9,100% increase on this pitiful success rate!

“Only 1% of their materials ever get read!”
But now I’ve developed this Success Made Simple Accelerated Learning Video Course to take Simplicity to a whole new level!
Previously, the biggest problem we had in helping you create success in your life, was getting you to read or listen to the recordings in the first place.
Because there's this 'association' with pain that's related to books. That's been 'stamped' on people's minds by their experiences with our educational system. So I've always had to fight against this...
But not anymore!
Because with Success Made Simple what we've done is simply remove the book learning = equals pain 'obstacle' - completely!
Now it's just a case of you:
These videos are special even though I say so myself…
Every word. Every slide. Every sound. Every picture. Has a purpose.
And must be delivered in a certain way at a specific time to get past the ego's defences and create the change you desire.
It makes the successful attainment of the knowledge simple.

...And most importantly, the time delay release together with the consciousness notes, make it applicable to your life today.
Here's how it works...
I'm going to send you 2-3 of the Success Made Simple Videos each week.
The full course has 268 short videos which average about 6 minutes each!
Each video took me around six hours to research, design and make… And I didn’t outsource this, I made every bit of it myself!
Why, because no one else has my mindset, or my eclectic teaching style, or as great an in-depth understanding of the problem! ...Because I’ve been fascinated by this exact subject for decades!
Which means the course delivers exactly what I say it does. Just check out some of the testimonials below you will see…
However, I won’t overwhelm you with them as I have literally thousands of testimonials to the effectiveness of this course!
Just A Few Messages Left By Students Inside The Success Made Simple Accelerated Learning Video Course:
I think Andy Shaw has created something that goes beyond the 21st century of personal development. I think what you are doing on these short videos are genius. I have listened to two so far and they are powerful. I can see how the mind wants to control me instead of me controlling it. If anything, I think you are causing people to become aware so they are able to recognize and choose a better result. I consider you the N. Hill of the 21st century, and being able to crack the Da Vinci code of the mind.
I am amazed of how effective this new thinking is. I just signed up after finding a wealth of insightful information that helped me with dealing with the passing of my husband of 49 years of a wonderful and beautiful life together just 4 months ago. The grief that came after his passing was so great I was feeling like I did not want to live anymore. I diligently search the web for answers to my grief as I rejected the traditional grief counseling. In my mind I wanted something that would dig deep into the subconscious mind as my background Is metaphysical. The teaching here is just what the wold needs because it deals with steps of guidance in a well-thought-out process of how the mind really works. We know we will never get this kind of teaching anywhere else. When I experienced grief the pain felt unbearable I wanted to die. Even though I know grief will still come it has diminished tremendously with the help of a bug free mind, and that help came from the wealth of free information Andy provided. No doubt from me that I would sign up with great enthusiasm. I will be spending much time with this community. Imagine that possibilities. The wold is indeed changing and it starts here as far as I'm concerned.
Carmen B
This is fantastic! I'm actually going to share with my two young children, thank you.
Michele K
I have watched the twenty videos and am now going back through and listening to them again in a different order. I get such a feeling of peace and joy inside when I listen and watch the videos/audios it makes my day. Sometimes the nutter in my head fights to control my thinking. I now have a tool to stop his little ass right in his tracks,
Thank you Andy.
Wow! I worry about everything and I just watched, read and watched again and I feel excited! Like a weight has lifted!
Melanie M
Thank you Andy for your clarity of direction. I trust and agree with you!
Julia S
Now, after first watch of this video, I feel relief. I do feel good after this video, and I hope to delete my 'imposed' worry pattern soon. :) I'm so grateful!!
Jelena M
Wow Andy, Wow Wow Wow. I spent so many years being positive for other people, I just realize how much more I needed to surrender, let go and accept what is, Wow, thank you.
Donald P
Amazing Video! I've realized this for a very long time. I've read almost all the books that Andy mentioned, and it got me nowhere! I'm excited about learning your method! I'm bound to be successful, bound to be successful!! :)
John C
Damn, that IS BIG! Just realized that I was arguing in my thoughts all the time! Against the imaginary opponent who whould never find out anything about my "victorys"! OMG what a waiste of time!!! What else coming?
Vadim R
I watched this video and spent the next 2 days observing myself and when I was worrying. I was shocked to realize how much time and focus went to this useless activity. The peace I felt when I gave up worrying was wonderful. This insight has been a huge help to me. thank you Andy!
Joan W
Awesome technique here I picked out the one statement to consider and watched the video again it feels like the worries that came up just dissolved.
Eddie D
I actually feel like crying with relief! I've watched the video through a few times now and feel so much better already. I've chosen not to worry!
Melanie M
Mr. Shaw, there must be a God somewhere, how else would I have found you, your profound teachings and your superb way of delivery? Wow! Awesome!
Leona T
I really love this video, I worry all too often and have become so mindful of it since watching. It is crazy how much I have caught myself doing so, now thanks to your teachings Andy it is another bug slowly being crushed. The video is so valuable in many ways.
Emma H
I am fascinated by this video. All the questions that kept popping up on the screen my mind was just racing. I kept stopping the video and thinking about them. I spend almost an hour just thinking about them. Some I couldn't answer.
Marcos E
There is no doubts this shall be the new way of thinking for the masses, as we free ourSelves from the programming of the old systems of control. Thank you Andy Thank You Very Much
When I watched the video I got more worries, but after reading "Things to consider", I felt relief. I don't have to worry over anything. I wrote down some answers for how I wood feel if I didn't had to feel worries anymore and the worries disappeared.
Eva G
I watched the video a couple of times and I realize that I worry about my health I have been a type 2 diabetic for over 18 years and inject insulin which makes me gain weight and feel even worse. I have lost 140lbs in the past by going off insulin and regulating my diabetes with diet and exercise but when ever I get close to my goal I just lose control and return to my poor health. I just realized while I was writing this that I have locked away a big worry that I have if I were to be healthy and fit I would lose my identity. I now know that this is just not worth worrying about anymore. I will be much happier now living in the moment. I do not need to worry about the future. Thank you Andy!
Andreas K
I'm inspired further by Andy's responses, as they clarify my own bugs about worry vs. creating. This is a surprise component of this program for me, to learn further from the interaction of this online group.
Janet H
Incredible, the best training in the personal development I have ever experienced (and I have experienced a lot!). I feel motivated and excited to begin designing my life from this day forward. I have clarity, presence and a feeling of completion.
Tracy R
I am so grateful for this video series. Love reading the comments from everyone and the replies that answer questions. Love having direct access to Andy's replies, and love the questions after each video. All of this is helping me so much.
Rosemary S
When you start the course you’ll read countless more testimonials like this in the comments and questions after each video...
Can Accelerated Learning Work With You Doing Less?
So you get the video show up by email. You click the link and you watch it for a few minutes… Then most videos have ‘consideration’ notes under them. You go through them one at a time, and consider them…
That’s all!
No copious note-taking, no exams… You watch for an average of 6 minutes, you read and think for an average of 4-5 minutes. You do that 2-3 times a week…

That’s it, that’s the time you need to put in to achieve all I say you are going to achieve!
After those few minutes...
You go to work, you go out for the day, or whatever you want to do… Then seamlessly in the background...
There is a combination of things going on here…
Yes, you are altering your mind with the consideration notes as you read and consider them.
They are some of the most powerful things I’ve ever created. Because you will feel your level of consciousness-raising probably on every video.
But it’s not any sort of mind control on my part, all I am doing is giving you specific signposts to; Exactly what to think about - Exactly where to look in your mind.
Then your fresh understanding, together with your presence and consciousness means multiple paradigm shifts happen to reshape your understanding and your thinking.

It is all about focus, awareness, questioning, and knowing exactly where to look…
I thought it was cool when I created it, then after thousands of people telling me things like, ‘Totally different from other self-improvement materials…’ Then I knew I’d got it right…
So after an average of 10 to 11 minutes of watching, reading and considering you go about your day.
Which means this Accelerated Learning takes place in around 26 minutes a week! You’ll also usually find the video helps your day at some point.
Because of the changes you’ve made to re-wiring your thinking then you have a heightened awareness of the material, and so you continue to consider parts of it, and how it affects your life instead of spending more time in the waking sleep.
The effect of this is:

On the days you don’t get a new video, you either do nothing as you’ll still be considering what you learnt in those 10 to 11 minutes, or you re-watch the last video, or a previous one.
Now what’s really cool about this new method of training is even though the actual time you spend watching, reading and thinking is less than 30 minutes a week…
Because of what it does to your mind, it has almost the exact same effect as an immersive experience.
Which means…
You are not overwhelmed and drowning with information...
You are applying just in time learning...
You are adapting to how your mind is constantly changing and keeping up...
You are not chasing simplicity, as 26 minutes a week is simple enough for massive progress...
You are immersed in the training without giving up countless hours...
So This ISN'T About You Buying Another Product… To Put On Your Shelf, Or Clog Up Your Ability To Succeed!
This is about you getting the actual progress you have been looking for!
In return for the small monetary investment, I'm going to ask of you, I am guaranteeing to shift your mindset to a state where you can create everything you want in life. I know you can do it. Because I've been doing it my entire life!
Once you begin watching the 'Success Made Simple' Accelerated Learning videos and regain your NATURAL success mindset – you'll see how simple life can be without all the resistance that typically comes from...
Feelings of inadequacy...
Feeling of depression...
Feelings of low self-worth…
Feeling you lack confidence...
Feeling that you're not good enough, or not worthy...
Feeling that you're not smart...
Feeling that you're dumb...
Feeling that you're a failure
Honestly. It’s all garbage!
But You've Heard It All Before!
Just imagine if you could take one book or course on success, and fully learn it... So that you get it to a level of applying every lesson into your life?
Can you imagine how powerful that would be? - After all that’s what they tell you you’ll get when they sell you the book or course…
...But as I’ve proved with the 5 Elements, you don’t get that…
You get to study, but you don’t get the progress promised. But they delivered it, you just couldn’t do it for some reason…
So you don’t complain...
But can you imagine for a second how powerful you’d become if you could fully learn and apply it… All the promise, actually delivered right into your life…
How good would that feel...
How wonderful would your life become?
Well that is what I have designed to happen for you with Success Made Simple, because it makes your success simple.

All your current difficulties fall away with just 2-3 videos each week.
The problem is, we are trained to want instant success. They tell us, "read this book and you will be successful!" But you know it doesn’t work like that, if it did the book would sell for a fortune.
But the secret is, it can work by retraining your mind to think differently and adapt and enhance every area of your life in the process…
That’s the power of the entirely new method of training I developed in Success Made Simple…
Because it serves you up bite-sized, bug mega-powerful bits, which deliver accelerated learning direct to your way of thinking!
But Don't Make Your Mind Up Now All You Have to Say is... Maybe!
You don't have to make up your mind now, because you can take up to 60 days to decide if Success Made Simple The Accelerated Learning Video Course is for you.
You can sit down and watch the videos. Let them get to work on your mind. Let the unique structured thinking teaching style I use, lead you on a eye-opening journey into your mind...

Where you'll first 'observe' it in action, then 're-gain control'... And finally 're-learn' the natural skill of focus, success, and personal achievement - Which is just the way you did as a child when you first learned to walk!
I know 2 to 3 Ten Minute videos a week sounds like a lot of work…
My mistake it doesn’t, it sounds too easy, doesn’t it? Which is why I guarantee the course.
This has been designed to be the most:
Just work the simple exercises, apply the strategies, and you can’t avoid reaping the rewards.

Your success is certain!
Because remember if you're not blown away with the power over your mind and ability to manifest results that 'Success Made Simple' has given you, just say the word and I'll personally refund every penny of the purchase price in the first 60 days.
Do it now while it’s on your mind and before anything else comes up to distract you...
If you’ve been struggling with:
> Achieving your personal development goals...
> And making more money...
> Overcoming depression...
> Anxiety...
> Stress...
> Creating better relationships...
> And you’re frustrated by your lack of progress as the years continue to fly past you, faster and faster and faster...
Ask Yourself... How this is ever going to change for you?
> How are you going to get past those 5 Elements that you have been trained
with since you first went to school…
> How are you going to do that and accomplish your dreams?
Because let's face it.
The last 12 months have just flown by: and by now it should be obvious to anyone that if you keep doing the same old things, then you’re just going to keep getting the same old results.
If you don’t have the results you want, then whatever you’ve been doing up till now … hasn’t been working, has it?
And now you do know… If you keep doing it their way… T
hen it’s still not going to be working in another 12 months!
...And it won’t be working any time this year, next year… Or at any other time in the future.
Because doing more of doing it the wrong way, won’t magically fix it…
But in this article, I have shown you I understand the problem. ...And you’ve seen in this article alone that I can demonstrate it to you too...
So, by all means…
DON’T benefit from applying Ben Franklin’s 200-year-old Success Secret into your life, by using the world’s first personal development implementation system that’s embedded into every video in the Success Made Simple course... So that you can finally use and apply what you’re learning instead of just collecting book after book, course after course...
That’s entirely your choice.
I bet you can think of loads of good reasons for not joining me on the Success Made Simple Accelerated Learning Video Course.
We’ve all got a big, long list of reasons why we can’t do the things we know we need to do to succeed.
But just so long as you do realise and understand…
If you don’t… then… the next 12 months will pass anyway, and so will the next year, a year in which you could finally shift your mindset into gear and supercharge your ability to think, and actually make progress…
If you don’t do it then, I have to state this clearly, you’ll STILL be in the same position you are now... won’t you?
So you have one choice, and one choice only. And if Success Made Simple Accelerated Learning isn’t right for you… then… it’s not right for you.
And that’s fine.
But if you feel it is right for you… Then I strongly urge you to join us, follow your intuition…
Your mind plays tricks on you, your intuition doesn’t!

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(Approx. $480)
Our 50% OFF Success Made Simple Summer Sale Wednesday 14th August to Sunday 25th August

Sale Ends in:

Your 50% OFF off Coupon Code is >>> elements <<<
Just add >>> elements <<< on the order page & you will get a 50% Discount on Success Made Simple in our Summer Sale
Join Success Made Simple Accelerated Learning Video Course Today & You Will Change Your Life:
Freedom from the 5 Elements = You Achieve MUCH More & Do Much Less
Freedom from all Limiting Beliefs = You Feel & Become Inspired
Freedom from all Negativity = You Feel & Are Positive
Freedom from Thoughts & Feelings of Insecurity = You Feel & Are Secure
Freedom from Thoughts of Lack = You Feel & Think Abundantly
Freedom from Fears = You Feel & Are Confident
Freedom from Overwhelm = You Feel & Are Relaxed
Freedom from Resentment, Anger, Grief = You Feel & Are Calm & Serene
Freedom from Bad Decisions = You Feel & Are Confident of Your Decisions
Freedom from Stress & Frustration = You Feel & Are Cool, Calm & Collected
You will almost certainly experience this being the single very best investment you will ever make!
Get My Success Made Simple Accelerated Learning Video Course Today & You Will Receive:
All 268 Success Made Simple videos which cover everything in the book Creating A Bug Free Mind - Plus all Deep-Dive Consideration notes.
Everything delivered to you in Absorbable & Applicable Bite-Sized Bits - 2-3 videos each week - time-delayed on purpose to Accelerate Your Learning.
Access to comment and to ask questions on each video. And have me and other students offer solutions. Plus when you're ready, you get to answer questions too - which is the very best way to accelerate your learning.
Lifetime 24/7 Access & Updates to the course.
Access to any future Success Made Simple Q and A webinars I do.
Our bullet proof 60 day no questions asked Money-Back-Guarantee.
Either 24 Months or Lifetime Access to the A Bug Free World Mastermind Community Site - Value £360 - £450 (Approx. $448 - $560)

12 Payments
First payment now, and then 11 more payments
(Approx. $48)
3 Payments
One payment now, one in 30 days, one in 60 days
(Approx. $169)
One Payment
>>> BEST VALUE <<<
(Approx. $480)
Our 100% Money Back 60 Day Guarantee

You can place your order with confidence, because if you're not blown away with the power over your mind and ability to manifest results that 'Success Made Simple' has given you...
Just say the word and I'll personally refund every penny of the purchase price in the first 60 days!