The Bug
Free Mind Process - Books |
Creating & Using A
Bug Free Mind
Create All The Success,
Financial Freedom & Love In
Your Life
That You Could Ever Possibly
Desire. |
in any area of life uses the
same system
it is natural
to all of us.
It can work
by accident
or work on purpose.
For years I considered
why some people struggled to
succeed at getting all they
wanted from life and why
some people seemed to
succeed with ease.
It was puzzling why people
struggled when there
were so many clearly written
manuals on the subject. Eventually
after a long time and at
considerable cost, I stumbled upon the
key difference between those
who could succeed easily
and those who struggled.
The main reason people
struggled and suffered with pain
in life was that they
had never been taught 'How
To Think'. They had
just been taught 'What To Think'.
What happens then in nearly
every person on earth is
that without this basic structure
to their thinking, it leaves
their successful state of
mind down to chance. Which
means they bump about
through life by accident,
instead of on purpose.
In this accidental
approach all sorts of
mind mess and pain is created
in their life, which results
in 'Bugs' developing in
their minds. Then as a
person ages these 'Bugs'
build up, so when the person attempts to
learn some form of self
improvement they are
effectively just loading
good software onto a
computer with a virus.
People fail and feel that as they
haven't succeeded it must be
their fault. But it's simply
that they haven't been
taught how to think,
so that they automatically
prevent the build up of
'Bugs'. Attempting to
succeed without first
knowing how to think will
almost always
result in failure. So how
can that be a persons fault?
If they do not know it is
broken, then how can they
expect to fix it.
more > |
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Can you intuitively
feel there's a
missing piece
in your education? |
frustration students felt
before going through the Bug
Free Mind Process for the
first time was that nothing seemed to work for
them, no matter what
they studied. They used to wonder what they
were doing wrong. After all
they were reading all the
books, trying to 'think
positively.' But
success just wasn't showing
The truth about success is
that it's simply a matter of doing
certain things in a certain
order. The problem is that
if one of the items is
missed, or the order is
messed up, then success
can easily appear elusive.
Whereas, actually it was just being
attempted in the wrong way
and therefore certain to
fail. Now it may not seem it
right now, but this is good
news, as once understood
then success becomes
Learn more > |
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Success means
different things to
all of us. |
Your vision of
success is different
to mine. The Bug
Free Mind Process
turns you into the
very best 'you' that you can be.
It does this
by teaching you how
to think with simple
structured thinking
as opposed to random
chaotic thoughts.
For example, if
you are a Christian
it will make you a
better Christian. If
you are a Muslim it
will make you a
better Muslim. If
you are a
businessman, it will
make you a better
Businessman. If you
are a Salesman, it
will make you a
better Salesman. If
you are a Leader, it
will make you a
better Leader.
Whatever your
vision of success
looks like, it will
allow you to become
the person you want
to be.
more > |
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All thoughts are
connected, like
water is connected.
As you age your mind
is automatically
filled up
with muddy water. |
Without simple
structured thinking
you have no
filtration system
for your mind, which
means your mind can
be polluted with
poor quality
thoughts from
others. We are
taught that the way
to fix this is to
pour clean water
(new education) into
a muddy mind. This
is clearly wrong,
but the whole world
does it this way.
This is because
before the Bug Free
Mind Process came
along, there was no
other choice. The
secret is to clean
the whole mind of
pollution in one go.
This is what
Creating A Bug Free
Mind is all about.
more > |
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Your success begins
and ends in your mind.
For you to go the
extra mile, your
needs structure to
be free. |
We have forgotten
that knowledge is
not wisdom, but
applied knowledge
is. What the Bug
Free Mind Process
does is teach how to
apply all the wisdom you
For example,
we can all read the
Maxim, 'Be the change
you want to see in
the world', but
virtually no one can
apply this because
they have no
automatic thinking process
for doing so. This
is what The Bug Free
Mind Process does
amongst other
things, it gets you
to apply being
the change you want
to see in the world
and does it in a
very light and easy
way. Learn
more > |
To succeed & enjoy
the journey you must
become free
of all worry, doubt,
fear, depression
and stress.
Success cannot exist
when your mind is
from these mind ailments.
We are taught that
the journey is the
reward, but how can
it be the reward if
you are living in
pain and suffering
with constant worry,
fear, depression and
To create
success a person has
to be free of all
mind ailments, so
fixing this comes before
you attempt to
become successful.
We were not born
with ailments of the
mind, meaning they
were programmed into
us. For all things
bad which happen in
the mind
Creating A Bug
Free Mind clears it.
there Using A Bug
Free Mind gives you
back your natural
successful ability.
This is the very same ability you used
to do the hardest
thing you'll ever do
in life, which
was learn to walk.
In this part of
the process you get back your
natural genius which
was lost through
never having been
taught how to think,
just what to think.
What we were not
taught, was that we
are all naturally
successful, we just
need to learn once
again how to
communicate with our
minds natural
language and then
success becomes
certain once again.
more > |
Success by design,
not by accident. |
The way we are
taught to think,
tells us that if we
work really hard
that then 'maybe'
success will show
up. However, I
always thought this
sounded wrong and
far too much like
hard work. Most
people live their
lives bumping about
through life, going
from one catastrophe
to the next. They
take no time to
consider the
possibility that
they could design
their life to be
easy and catastrophe
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