A Bug Free Mind

A Bug Free World Mastermind Community

What is the Mastermind Community?

An opportunity to surround yourself with like-minded people who understand that through helping you, they automatically help themselves.

One of the biggest barriers to success is quite often the people you hang around with. They laugh at your ‘crazy’ dreams and say you're wasting your time. So don’t tell those people who won’t help you, talk to the people who will. Birds of a feather flock together.

There is a BIG advantage when stepping out on the journey to success; in going with people you don’t know but who desire the same thing. It's like being given “permission” to BE who you want to be, not who everyone EXPECTS you to be. (There's a massive difference, and it produces a dramatic effect)

During the time you spend in A Bug Free World Mastermind Community, you'll be associating with people who want more achievement, happiness, fulfilment. The shape and size of their goals and personal desires may be completely different to yours. But they are looking for the same thing you are - To actively PURSUE their own growth.

What A Bug Free World does is provide you with a virtual world where the environment is filled with rich thought and people always thinking, or attempting to think, with the principles laid down in A Bug Free Mind. Learn More >

The fastest way to mastery of a subject is to teach it to others as you are learning it yourself

The single best way of learning is to teach it to others. This is what the A Bug Free World Mastermind Community site was designed for. First you'll learn and ask questions and in this process focus your dominant attention on the subject.

Then you'll begin seeing that you can answer some of the newcomers' questions. As you do this so your knowledge on the subject becomes part of your automatic way of thinking. You leave understanding the subject behind and without effort turns this into knowing the subject. It also creates the stimulus to the final level of learning something, which is living to it.

Which means even with things you may be struggling with it becomes almost impossible to not do what you are teaching others. Which results in you removing all sorts of mindset barriers and now automatically succeeding. Learn More >

Continuous and never ending improvement in your life

Albert Einstein once said, "It's not that I'm smarter, it's just I stay with the problem longer."

We live in a world where we are overwhelmed with information, however, most struggle to make much more than meagre progress. This raises the question of why can't people succeed despite being given the right information.

The answer lies not in learning something, but learning how to apply it. Some elements of the Process you'll master in moments, and some 'bugs' may take years to fully leave your mind. It is in the study of the way, that you'll find less and less do you have to struggle, until finally you'll arrive at a place of simplicity where success in whatever you desire is just easy for you.

This is the process which is available to all of the Bug Free World Mastermind Community, IF you are willing to stay with the problem a little longer. Learn More >

Powerful tools to monitor your progress

Every member gets their own blog to write a diary of their journey. There are forums on all areas of success in life. If there's a problem which cannot be answered then I get to answer it. The circle of life tool will show you at a glance where you need to look at your life and will highlight instantly when you let yourself slip. Learn More >

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Start Your Journey With An Introduction To A Bug Free Mind

Footsteps Through Your Mind
