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Supercharging Your Thinking?
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It's true... You are currently living life at a lower level than you can easily live to.
Footsteps Through Your Mind will show you simple and easy techniques which you will experience the effects of almost instantly.
Footsteps Through Your Mind gives you a simple, step-by-step training plan, which you will see real world, life-enhancing results from.
What No One Else Has Told You About Why Your Life Is Getting Harder As You Get Older
Andy Shaw creator of A Bug Free Mind
I know exactly how frustrating it is to be reading and listening to training for hours on end and then seeing either no results at all, or results that are only temporary. Be honest with yourself, when you look at your life, do you see the results you want? Have all the hours of reading and listening paid off for you?
Or are you still casting an envying eye towards those few people who seem to make this sort of thing work for them? You know, the people who work no harder than you, who are certainly no smarter than you, but who get life changing results?
You can read the exact same books as them. Go on the same courses. ...And even work harder than them. Yet you still remain stuck in the same place. Or even worse - you feel things have gotten worse for you!
And you've been doing your best by reading and listening every single day and even trying to think positively all the time! Personal Development sites, blogs, Youtube channels, magazines... everyone's showering you with all kinds of generic nonsense advice but nothing seems to work.
By now, I'm sure you've figured out that those few successful people are nowhere near as successful as they make out. I'm sure you know that it's only a tiny few of the people saying they achieved it are actually achieving it - that most of the people are just faking it till they make it.
If you're stuck in your progress and feeling frustrated, you're not alone. And the good news is: it's not your fault that your progress has been lacklustre.
Have you been frustrated with slow progress in getting the life you desire?
Do you want to improve the quality of your life and break through the final, stubborn obstacles, so you can finally live the life you dream of?
Do you struggle to find enough time to work on getting the life you dream of (because you have a busy enough life as it is)? But you still want to get the life you deserve?
You’re in luck, because the Footsteps Through Your Mind system was created to solve exactly these problems. With it, you will:
Study in short and intense hyper effective sessions. Simply, your studying will be shorter and more intense than ever before.
Finally get the results (and the admiration) you deserve!
Finally break through hidden barriers and start making serious lifestyle gains (your friends will probably accuse you of cheating in some way, but this method is 100% natural).
Discover How Easily You Can Get A Seriously Enhanced Version of Your Life
Follow the proprietary Footsteps Through Your Mind system and you’ll quickly discover that this routine involves less studying, less equipment and much, much less 'trying to do it' than every other system, program or course you’ve tried.
Where other personal development programs are all about quantity and whatever the latest hot trend in personal development is. Footsteps Through Your Mind cuts the dross and delivers pure quality.
Other personal development programs try to appear more valuable and ‘better’ by adding stacks of exercises, techniques, plans and different daily routines. Which more often than not are just tons of stuff that doesn’t really help you.
And that’s exactly where things go wrong: you end up doing 2 exercises that actually work and 10 that were added as padding, to make the program look more professional.
You’ve got your YouTube personal development guru who has to post a new video every day to keep the ad revenue coming in. Of course they’re going to talk about dozens or hundreds of exercises, complicated theory, mixing and matching techniques… you name it! They’re desperate to keep the content coming.
If they told you the truth, they’d have just 3 or 4 videos and that’s it! No YouTube money to be made like that.
Why Now is the Right Time to Supercharge Your Thinking
Your thinking controls every aspect of your life. Enhance your thinking and your life gets better and easier. There is nothing else that has such as dramatic effect on your life as your thinking... And so I'm suggesting you learn to supercharge it and discover how easy it is to do so. And... Because there is no better time than now to begin.
What is the Footsteps Through Your Mind course all about?
An introduction to Supercharging Your Thinking…
An introduction to Mental Strength…
An introduction to Structured Thinking…
An introduction to Consciousness Raising…
An introduction to A Bug Free Mind…
New Break Through in Enhancing Your Quality of Life
In 2014 I originally begun creating this course as a short series of articles. They were going to just be a way of giving people a taste of what they could experience if they chose to make A Bug Free Mind part of their way of living.
Soon after I begun creating them, I realised they were not just for beginners... I saw long term students of A Bug Free Mind were getting tremendous value from them too. So I kept writing them.
Many people said I should turn them into much more than they were originally intended. So instead of there being a short series of articles this turned into much more, it became a course.
The course consists of 63 articles and audio recordings of the articles (recorded by me Andy Shaw). It is delivered to you starting today, then every other day for 124 days.
...This delayed delivery is done on purpose for a few reasons, the main one being, you do not need to spend hours and hours cramming in this guidance. Instead my ‘how to think’ training is best applied a little piece at a time…
So you have 63 small steps which don’t take you away from your normal life hardly at all… But when these small steps are combined they produce a massive difference.
You get one article & one audio recording of the article every couple of days. Plus there are the occasional video trainings in there too. This is structured to deliver one main lesson, and give your mind time to consider it. Which is the essential ingredient!
As your mind considers the point backed up with the logical reasoning in the article then you are re-wiring your neural pathways and forming new structures of thinking which support your growth and the attainment of your desires.
Whilst almost seamlessly taking apart the mental obstacles to your success.
The idea of the course is to show you how it feels when you add a little bit of Mental Strength training to your life consistently over nearly four months.
As you will see in the course, the time you’ll devote to reading and listening does not come to more than 45 minutes to 1 hour per week. The idea being to demonstrate that not a lot of time at all is required to add Mental Strength training to your life ongoing…
(My ulterior motive is to show you how easy it is to enhance your life this way. Please understand the really good news is - there is NO LIMIT to how much better you can think!)
However, you also get to experience how it has not cost you any real time at all, because… Your consciousness shifting has removed time consuming problems from your life.
Which means you have gained more time than it cost you reading and listening.
Plus you also get to experience how much richer your life can be if you decide to devote a few minutes a day on average to your mental well being.
Plus you will also find that your life gets easier and simpler too… All of which you will experience during the 124 days! - (If you doubt this, then please read the testimonials from people all over the world below)
Give Me About 45 Minutes A Week and I'll Show You How To Enhance The Quality of Your Life
The first few Footsteps are quite short and very easy to apply. You may even find from the very first Footstep you experience a significant shift in your consciousness. Or it may take a while before you begin to feel the effect of the course.
The secret is to commit to the first seven days of just reading, listening and most importantly applying the techniques. If you apply them then you should feel like ‘something’ is happening during this time. And it should feel like, ‘something’ is better than it was before.
However, do not rush through, give yourself time to think because you are changing how your mind works as you do!
Your mind has taken your entire life to create its thinking patterns, you are about to be shocked by the simplicity of changing things. And you’ll be surprised about how much you instinctively knew was right, yet had just followed the crowd instead of following your instincts.
You will also discover that because your consciousness is raising that some of your current problems simply cease to be problems anymore - which means some problems will either fix themselves, or just go away! The course is specifically designed so you can see some or maybe a lot of your problems literally dissolving in front of you.
Talk’s cheap I know! But...
I have shared a tiny fraction of those messages with you in the section below. However, I also look forward to you telling me that too.
All the time you’ll need is 3 – 4 fifteen minute maximum reading or listening time per week to enhance your life. In fact in less than an hour a week, you’ll experience a shift in your consciousness, and a massive increase in your mental strength.
You will see increases in your confidence, self-esteem, enthusiasm, serenity, gratitude, satisfaction, contentment, inspiration and enjoyment.
You will find that when these small steps are combined they produce a massive difference to your life.
Here's A Tiny Fraction From Over 1,100 Unsolicited Messages I Received From Students On Just ONE Blog Post When I First Released Footsteps Through Your Mind
How did I get that many responses on just one blog post?
I asked the question, 'Has this Footsteps course been valuable to you?’
YES. Brilliant. A different fresh approach. Has made me very happy, lighter and smiling a lot more. Life is looking much better instantly. Many thanks.
Lidia Ferguson
Yes, it has been very valuable. Your program material came at a perfect time. I was feeling depressed over my current financial/career situation after the passing of my husband. Your program refreshed my mind to the practices that have worked so well for me in the past, including attracting and marrying my soul mate 25 years ago. Some where along the way I had forgotten just how powerful these practices are. Blessed Be.
Rev. Sandra Weisner
Linda Laspina
A resounding yes, Andy! The blog posts and your free chapters of your awesome book have been gold. I’ve never heard the subject approached and discussed like this before. All the best to you.
Bill Douglas
Thanks Andy. I love how your programs have transformed my thinking, & now my actions because of it. The “nutter” in my head…”baabbs the old fat bitch” … is told to just nick off these days….hahahah. I use the skills you have given me & share these with my clients… it helps them too… I now also recommend & in some cases … INSIST that they buy your online audio program.
Millie Swann
Found this a very practical way to make a difference … love it.
Steve Munford
This material has been so good and mind transforming indeed, it’s able to trigger action to overcome fear and doubts. It also enables an individual to have a better self image.
Wisdom Moganetsi
Your work has opened me up to some many more possibilities, I really do feel like the ‘bugs’ that have been blocking the flow have slowly been dissolved. Thank you Andy for sharing all your wisdom and insights.
Mic M
Yes, I have found this training very effective. Been listening and absorbing to a multitude of mind set and energy clearing programs for 5 years now. Many have been helpful but Andy has a simple way of saying things that really clicks. It brings a level of clarity that I have not found anywhere else. Thank you!
Tracey W
Andy, your clarity and insight has made sense after years of searching for greater understanding about life and abundance. I will recommend your work to everybody in my life.
Debbie Lord
Yes, it opened my eyes to the things that were essentially hidden to me. I was indeed sleep awake. Thanks Andy.
Paris W
Yes, absolutely. I resolve to continue with the program.
You are deserving of this feedback. I don’t want to be one of those who could have but did not provide you feedback. Best wishes.
As I mentioned in an earlier post. This is the missing link. If there were a way to become certified to reach it, I would be all over it!!! It literally changes lives. I am happy and proud to be a part of it.
Tony Allcock
The training has been very valuable to me and how I live and think. I am very grateful to you and how my life has changed since I started the training
Percy P
I have been studying the Law of Attraction for many years with limited success, I now know why. I never applied the knowledge that I thought I had learned. Time to learn how to think. This method just seems so right for me.
Jeff Christensen
This has been amazing, and so down to earth and to the point. It brings together so much that genuinely cuts through “problems” to offer a workable solution. A huge YES from me, that will be getting even larger as the lessons become part of my life.
Neil F
A Surprise Bonus...
There’s two Footsteps in the course that will teach you how to manifest $70 out of fresh air…
You heard me right!
So not only will you get all of what I'm telling you that you will get from the course, it also almost certainly won’t cost you anything either!
Here’s a few comments from previous people who manifested the extra money out of fresh air…
David says:
"Wow thanks a lot! I only read it and did everything you said and I already have the money!"
Leonie Hermanus says:
"Ok Andy, This is just hilarious… somewhere between your email yesterday and today the extra $70++ already showed up. With NO effort at all!!! :-D"
Tawnija Edwards says:
"Wow!!!!! I just did the exercises this morning just for fun…….then I get home from work and find an envelope with a christmas card from a friend and client. Inside the christmas card was a gift card from our local supermarket for 200.00!!!! I am shocked and amazed….and being the virgo skeptic that I am……I am already trying to explain it away……so right now I am telling my mind to shut up and enjoy!!!! Love Love Love!!!!!1 "
Jackie says:
"Hi Andy! I found it VERY interesting how my ego made me fall asleep AT LEAST 10 times while trying to read through this article! But I was determined to finish reading all the way to the end and that is what I did. Of course, you are right, and as you know, you are my FAVORITE TEACHER in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD! I tell everyone who will listen to me that YOU have had, and continue to have, the BIGGEST IMPACT on my life in regards to me being able to CREATE && LIVE the life of my dreams. By the way, my goal was to have $10,000 in my savings account this year but I currently have OVER $20,000 even after paying for my holiday!!! It blows me away!!! I can’t help but think how my “Bug Free Mind” has created it so THANK YOU!!!!! And to the rest if you….I say, “Get Andy’s program!!!” Merry Christmas Andy!!!!!! "
Larry Andrews says:
"EXTRA MONEY! Yep…it arrived in the form of a check from an old employer, apparently settling the books and found $211.00 for me. The calm confident feeling this has produced within me is fantastic. "
Montana Lee says:
"It worked! Random 60$ turned up in my account two days after doing the exercise – not normal savings account and not used for anything personal. I laughed when I realised the significance as it didn’t click straight away. The power of thought allllllllll the way here in New Zealand. Well played universe, well played. I think I better buy the Bug Free Mind. Thank you Andy Shaw! "
Debi. Trahin says:
"I manifested $150 in just a couple of days! Woot! Thank you! "
Please understand, these are just a taste. There are hundreds more people who left comments too.
Get Footsteps Through Your Mind Today And...
You will almost certainly experience this costing you Nothing!
You will almost certainly Make a Profit!
You will experience your Consciousness Raising!
You will experience an increase in your Mental Strength!
You will experience your life getting Simpler & Easier!
And, you will experience an Enhanced Version of Your Life!
You’ll get all this and more, just 32 pence for each Footstep! (Approx. 39 cents)
Get Footsteps Through Your Mind Today & You'll Receive:
The complete Footsteps Through Your Mind training course. That's ALL 63 Footsteps. Delivered to you starting today, then every other day for 124 days.
You will get both the Footstep articles, and the MP3 recordings too.
Both extremely successful Footsteps on: 'Manifesting $70 and also having fun doing it…'
Lifetime updates to Footsteps Through Your Mind
Everything available on mobile devices.
And... Our bullet proof 124 day no questions asked Money-Back-Guarantee.
Get the entire Footsteps Through Your Mind Course - Delivered to you starting immediately and then sent to you every few days for the next 124 days & start enhancing your life today!
Now available for only £19.97 (Approx $25)
Our Double 100% Money Back Guarantee
Firstly we've over doubled the length of our normal 60 day guarantee covering the entire course period. It is now:
124 Day Guarantee
Secondly if you don’t manifest (out of thin air) more money than it cost you to purchase, then we’ll give you your money back!
Or for any reason at all you can ask and will be given a 100% refund. PLUS you can keep the Footsteps course too.