How To Change Your Life | Customer Feedback | 404 Error Page | by Andy Shaw


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Sorry but the page you are looking for cannot be found. This may be because we messed up (highly likely :-)), or you messed up and typed in the address wrongly (most unlikely)...

But either way there's no point denying that this page just isn't here. So our site decided that this page cannot be displayed because you need some fresh air... Our interactive site understood your mind was asking for a break... So why not enjoy it...

Afterall your ISP has told us that you're online several hours everyday, and that just ain't right!

Please for the sake of your well being, why not give the following a go.

Firstly accept that the page isn't here, and that's just the way it is... Accept that, and expect that shortly you'll be getting to an even better page... Know that your subconscious mind will get you to that page when your ready to search again.

However, if you decide to be stressed about this, then your conscious mind will then help your subconscious mind to find loads more to be stressed about, and you may even get to see this page again ;-)

So instead of rushing to do something and ending up stressed... Why not just take a few moments out thanks to this unforeseen error, and just for a few seconds or even minutes be grateful for the breather you've been given...

As when you've gone through the 'Bug Free process' then you'll realise that rushing isn't helping you become successful anyway. So instead be grateful for the break and then click anyone of the links on this page and see where your subconscious mind takes you.

However, we recommend that for your enjoyment and to get your mind into the right place to get exactly what you really want... We've added a few pictures and a video for your enjoyment. Have a good laugh, take a few minutes and get your mind into the right place to search again without needing to come back here...

Enjoy and be grateful for ending up here otherwise you may not have had this laugh today.

Helping you to enjoy the day even when it goes wrong,


Some other things that didn't go according to plan...

"Give me a break everyone makes mistakes!"

"How'd they steal it? I left my chain on it!"

"Well at least the sign upstairs tells them which way to go when they get there!"

"Next time I am going to look at the news before I read it!"

"That's where they told me to put it!"

"Please God, make that didn't happen!"

"I really do hope no one has a camera!"

"What was I thinking?"

"Bug**r! Next time I'll keep my eye on the ball!" "No there's nothing wrong with me doing this!?"

"Remember there's always someone worse off... maybe even more than one!"

I trust you enjoyed that... I particularly enjoy watching Eddie Izzard on computers. But if none of this managed to make you laugh then...

Here is an article on Stress Relief

If that's not what you're after then here is an article on Overcoming Depression

What about an article explaining How To Never Be Depressed Again


Well here's a really quick article on creating Instant Happiness

Now if you don't need any of them... so you're not stressed, you're not depressed and you are happy... Then you really are VERY powerful and have the ability to become successful... You just need to learn how to do it on purpose instead of by accident...

What I teach in the Bug Free process is a number of simple techniques which you use as mind tools to slowly and without effort remove the bad stuff from your mind so that you can create success...

Now by you approaching it slowly then magic starts to happen, as with your slow approach it transmutes into high speed life changes... And all without effort and without rushing, and without stress.

This isn't marketing hype, it just is what happens... And you get to risk nothing by 'trying' it out... So if you want to 'give it a go' and take me up on a special bonus offer then I promise you that you will change your life by getting my tool box of new ways of thinking into your mind.

Checkout my Bug Free Mind Special Offer Here